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==Dean's Point of View==
I look out my bedroom window and see Audrey and Seth in a rocking chair making out. I chuckle to myself that boy REALLY loves her...he's lucky, she's a jewel. Roman walks up behind me
Roman: They're goin at it, huh?
Me: Nah, they're just playing tonsil hockey.
Roman: Should I go out there?
Me: No, Seth has restraint.
I see them get up and hug. Then, Seth picks Audrey up, runs toward the pool, and jumps in it. Roman laughs
Roman: Atta boy, Rollins.
They surface and I can see her push his head under the water. We can hear her yelling, but I open my window so we can hear her better.
Seth: Baby, c'mon....it's funny.
She gets out and storms inside. I hear her yelling for John to bring her a towel. She storms upstairs and sees Roman and I. We bust out laughing.
Roman: Now you can say Seth really made you wet (winks)
Audrey: Oh, go fuck yourself.
John: I'll take you shopping tomorrow while they're asleep and I'll buy you a new dress.
Audrey: You don't have to.
John: I want to.
Audrey: But you know how long I take to shop for clothes.
John kisses her cheek
John: Yeah, well, I'll manage. Go take a shower, I'll get Seth inside and get them dressed. Linda called me; she wants us up at the house at 6 for dinner.
Audrey: What are we having?
John: Don't know. But I bet it's something she usually cooks when I'm over.
Audrey: He's ruined this dress.
John: I'll get you another one....your eyeliner is running. Come here.
He licks his thumb and wipes the running make-up from her face. Roman and I look at one another.
John: It really needs to come off, you seriously look like an emo raccoon. Go get a shower.
He lightly pats her butt and she walks out.
Me: Dude, I'm gonna ask you straight up: do you have a thing for my sister?
John: She's my best friend, Dean. Why does everyone assume I have a thing for her? Is it so wrong for a girl and a guy to be best friends? I've known her since she was fifteen. I love the girl to death-but she's got a boyfriend and I'm happy she's happy.
Roman: So, you don't want our sister?
John: No. She's beautiful, and smart, and I love being around her...but we're both in relationships with other people...and I wouldn't do anything to compromise our friendship. I'm gonna go get Romeo out of the pool.
He walks out. I cross my arms and turn to Roman.
Me: You believe him?
Roman: Eh, I don't really know.
I just brush my thoughts off and Roman and I get dressed. ==Roman's Point of View==
Dean and I hear Audrey talking to someone in her room, so we listen in....she's on Skype
Audrey: Trust me, I know what I'm doing, Sam.
Sam: Nic....you've dealt with them firsthand when you were with Punk....you made Ambrose's life a living hell.
Audrey: I was never with Punk, he just happened to be attracted to me because I was the General Manager. And yeah, I made Dean's life at work Hell, but that's because Punk was paying me to do it.
Sam: And how much money was CM Punk forking over to you to torment Dean?
Audrey: 1/3 of his pay, he really hated Dean....and he knew if he got in with the General Manager, the G.M. would pull some strings for him...he knows how to work corporate, Sam....Phil is a smart s.o.b....but I'm not loyal to him, I'm loyal to The Shield, and I shouldn't have taken Punk's dirty money, but I'm a McMahon at heart and all McMahon's are greedy. I'm where I need to be now though, and I've changed to an extent. The Shield and I get along, we're like a family....I trust them.
Sam: I don't like this, you shouldn't trust them...and you shouldn't like that Seth guy.
Audrey: Why not?
Sam: Cause I still like you...
Audrey: I know that Sam, but I'm with Seth.
Sam: You can't deny we had chemistry.
Audrey: Yes, we did...but I still turned you down.
Sam: And you lost your virginity to Dolph Ziggler, I mean, the fuck McMahon??
Audrey: Hey, I was young and he's very good at being a ladies man....
Sam: So, why'd you leave him?
Audrey: Because he's not going anywhere or doing anything in life...he's just stagnating. The Shield does nothing but break down barriers, and I'd rather run with Hounds than lay in the doghouse with a mutt.
Dean smirks.
Sam: So, what's going on with you and Roman Reigns?
Audrey: What do you mean?
Sam: You guys are like constantly huggy, and he's nice to you all the time. Is he banging you or something?
Audrey: Sam, I'm gonna reach through the screen and rip that Mohawk off your head....
Sam: You two are just too nice to one another, Roman Reigns is supposed to be the badass in The Shield.
Audrey: He is, he and I are like brother and sister, he's a sweet guy, a gentleman....of course he's going to be nice to his sister. Just because we're nice to one another doesn't mean anything is happening....and I doubt he'd be disrespectful and stupid enough to cheat on his wife and risk losing her and getting a divorce. You and the rest of the WWE fans don't realize how great of a guy he is because all you see is brute strength and domination....Rome's not always like that.
Sam: But he's always calling you baby girl and hugging you and smiling at you and shit.
Audrey: So, that means we're fucking? Guess you found out our secret, darn. Yep, I'm sleeping with Roman....Dean too....in fact, Roman, Dean, and Seth are all gangbanging me tonight and we don't bother using protection because I'm trying to have one of their babies. I think incest is hot, so yeah I'm totally fucking my brother.
Sam: You're being sarcastic....
Audrey: (sarcastically) Noo, why would I do that? I'm totally gonna sleep with someone I consider a brother....I'm totally gonna risk losing Seth, (scoffs) you're a moron....NO, I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH ROMAN! Just because Roman is a gentleman towards me doesn't mean he's banging me! I'm not attracted to Roman....or Dean anyway. Just Seth, Seth is the only one who will be sticking his reproductive organs in me in the future. Not Dean or Roman. I love them, just not in that way.
Sam: So you don't think he's cute like you used to tell me he was? I believe when you were General Manager your words regarding Roman were, "He's an intimidating, freakishly strong, cute, asshole.....with better hair than the Divas."
Audrey: You have a good memory.....
Oh, I'm NEVER gonna stop picking at her for that.
Sam: Well, what's your opinion on him now?
Audrey: Oh, he's still intimidating....he doesn't even have to threaten me into doing something, he's just gotta give me this like......stern father-like look, and I bow down like a damn dog....I don't know how the fuck he does it, some fuckin' mind control shit---freaks me out.
Sam: What about the whole cute thing?
Audrey: Roman happens to be a very good-looking man, but I don't have any romantic feeling for him, he's my brother and one of my best friends. All the women in this company agree that Roman's good looking, even Natalya and Brie....and they're married. The man is just good looking and most of the single Diva's in this company would be all over him....but they wouldn't get very far because I'd beat their asses if they touched my brother. (I grin) So, yes, I think he's cute, but from a close friend slash family point of view. I'm not gonna sit here and lie and say Roman is ugly...because that statement is just a straight up lie. And he is freakishly strong, he amazes me when he wrestles....but then again, he comes from a long lineage of wrestlers.
Sam: Really?
Audrey: Yeah, you didn't know about his family? The Rock, Umaga, The Uso's....all his cousins. His dad Sika and his uncle Afa were the WWE tag champs three times while they wrestled for WWF in the 1980's, he's related to Rikishi, Naomi is related to him because she's married to one of the Uso's....John or Josh, I can't freakin' tell them apart and that drives me insane and if Roman ever heard me say that not knowing which Uso is which drives me batshit insane, he'd get the Uso's to fuck with me for fun (I try not to bust out laughing).
Sam: They have face paint on opposite sides of their faces, Nic.....doesn't that make it easier?
Audrey: NO! How the hell is fucking painting different sides of their face supposed to make it obvious which twin is which? That'd be like you having a twin and you piercing your left ear and your twin piercing his right and then you saying, "Well, it should be obvious who's who." JIMMY AND JEY LOOK THE SAME!
Sam: You could just ask them who's who.....
Audrey: Yeah, cause it won't make me look like an idiot when everyone else even the crew knows which one is which....
Sam: Since we're talking about him, how the hell do you know so much about Roman and his family??
Audrey: I grew up in this company, you know I basically know everything about this company starting with when Capitol Wrestling Corporation was started, when RAW aired its first episode, who the first WWF Champion is....this company is my families livelihood, I'm stuck in it.....I don't have a choice. Roman was born into a wrestling family just like me....only my family is more corporate and his is talent related.
Sam: You mean to tell me your family isn't as talented as Roman's?
Audrey: Not by a long shot, Roman's family could run circles around mine....
Sam: Do you have anything to back that up?
Audrey: I do, 2002, Global Warming, Hunter versus The Rock versus Brock Lesnar.....when Brock was at the physical peak of his career and the most dominant in the locker room, The Rock was the Undisputed Champ....Brock and Hunter teamed up on Dwayne, he still was the one with his hand raised. Summerslam 2000; Triple H versus The Rock versus Kurt Angle-Dwayne walked into that match the WWE Champ, and walked out WWE Champ.....he was bred for this...he was gonna be a football player, but thank God he didn't
Sam: What do you do, stalk the guy??
Audrey: No, I'm just freakish educated in WWE....I've had it shoved down my throat since I was brought home from the hospital.
Sam: There was never a Global Warming show in the WWE, you made that up...
Audrey: I bet you fifty bucks, there is, look it up.....I'll wait.
She waits.
Sam: I hate you....
Audrey: Told you, I know my Great- Great Grandfather's company.
Sam: How come I never heard of Global Warming?
Audrey: Because it wasn't a pay per view, Global Warming was a tour held in Melbourne, Australia. They only held it once on August 10, 2002 with a capacity crowd of I believe 56,734 in Colonial Stadium.
Sam: I'm fact checking this.
Audrey: Go ahead, Yale boy, you already owe me fifty bucks. Fact check something from the walking, talking, encyclopedia of WWE knowledge.
Sam: Holy shit, you're right....HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ALL THIS?! Your knowledge scares me.
Audrey: I'm the Queen of Queens.
Sam: I never saw Global Warming tour.
Audrey: You and I were eleven, it was past your bedtime when it aired.
Sam: And you saw it?
Audrey: My father was wrestling, of course I did....I was in the crowd! I went to all of daddy's match's... Don't you remember me missing school the next two days and coming back and telling our teacher I had the stomach flu?
Sam: Yeah....
Audrey: That's because Stephanie and Hunter took separate flights for that tour, Stephanie went on Grandpa's private jet, and Hunter took commercial. He didn't want to leave me with Grandma Linda or his parents....so he booked me a ticket last minute and snuck me to Australia. When mom asked where my passport was so she could take me home, she couldn't find it in time because Hunter had Paul Heyman hold onto it so my mother couldn't take me home....and then he talked her into letting me come see him wrestle since I was already there anyway.
Sam: So, why did you say you had the stomach flu?
Audrey: Mom didn't want me to have an unexcused absence and tarnish my attendance, I already missed one too many days of school.
Sam: How often did your father let you miss school?
Audrey: Pretty much whenever I wanted to.
Sam: But he didn't let you come to like ECW, did he?
Audrey: Oh yeah, Paul used to take me to ECW.
Sam: Paul Heyman (Audrey nods) why did he take you?
Audrey: Close family friend. He used to babysit me when I went on the road.
Sam: Ah. Seriously though, does Roman know you know so much about his family?
Audrey: (chuckles) No, I don't think it's that big a deal....why are you so freaked out?
Sam: It's just weird.....
Audrey: His family has worked for this company for well over thirty-five years, and I live with him....I'm gonna know my shit about my own damn brother.
Sam: How would you feel if he knew as much about your family as you know about his?
Audrey: (laughing) HE DOES! Everyone in the fucking company knows everything about my family. He knows my father is a manipulative, condescending, asshole, he knows my mother is a shrill, spoiled, cunt, he knows my grandfather is like...the most amazing guy on the planet, and he knows my uncle was a shitty wrestler and my Great-Grandfather is the reason he is where he is now. He knows everything about the McMahon-Levesque's....and he knows a shitload more about me....which scares the crap about me. The only thing he doesn't know is that I was the one that convinced Hunter and Stephanie to give him and Seth a title slot chance because I saw how talented and passionate they were, and they deserved to compete for a title shot more than any tag team in the company.....but I don't want him mad at me and I don't want him to think I gave him and Seth the slot....because they DID earn it.
Sam: Do you like living with them?
Audrey: Yeah, they're all amazing.
Sam: Who's your favorite?
Audrey: In what aspect?
Sam: Generality.
Audrey: Roman, he's the sweetest guy on this planet. And it's nice to have someone push me behind their back and say, "I won't let anything happen to you, baby girl." He makes me feel safe. And Dean.....he's a wonderful......he's a sarcastic dick (Dean smirks and nods) but, he's my brother now. We have nice talks, and I think somehow his personality is rubbing off on me....because I kinda act like him (Dean nods again)
Sam: Is Seth good in bed?
Audrey: I haven't slept with Seth yet.
Me: (silently) Good girl.
Sam: Why haven't you?
Audrey: Because I'm not ready....I'm not rushing things.
Sam: When will you be ready?
Audrey: I dunno, but I ain't gonna tell Roman when it happens, he's becoming protective of me and I don't need him murdering Seth.....on a different note, have you learned the little video I sent you?
Sam: Mastered it.
Audrey: How about a little friendly competition?
Sam: Nic, are you challenging me?
Audrey: Do I roll with The Shield?
Sam: Yeah.....
Audrey: You just answered your own question. C'mon, Yale boy, nut up....or do I have more balls than you.
Sam: You're on, be right back
Audrey pulls out a table and puts a cup on it.
Me: I know what's about to happen.
Her friend returns.
Audrey: No wager this time.
Sam: Why not?
Audrey: I'm being nice....plus, I wanna show you how much I can dominate.
Sam: Are you gonna play the song, sing it, or what?
Audrey: I'll play the song on instrumentals only....and I'll sing.
Sam: You can't do both, you'll fuck up.
Audrey: Sure I will. You ready or what?
She play's and sings Pitch Perfect's- The Cup Song....and she sings and does the cup thing without messing up.
Audrey: Better keep up, Tanner. You want a girl to beat you via Skype?
Sam: Stop distracting me
Audrey: Can't handle the pressure?
Sam: Shut up, Hound.
Audrey: Haven't earned that rank yet, I'm still a puppy, they're Hounds.
Sam: Stop talking.
Audrey: Boy, you need some midol.
Audrey: Told you I can dominate, Tanner. Believe in The Shield
Sam: (chuckles) Yeah, that was impressive McMahon....listen, I gotta go.
Audrey: Paypal my $50.....and I'm not joking. I'll come to your house and beat you if you don't pay me. I ain't afraid to Pedigree a guy.
Sam: Oh, know you will, Nicole.
Audrey: Alright Samuel, I gotta go find my two weirdo brothers and my boyfriend
Sam: And Cena.
Audrey: Yep, and Cena.
Sam: See ya around, Nic....you keep those Shield Boys in line.
Audrey: I'm pretty sure it'll be the opposite way around.
Sam: Bye.
Audrey: Bye.
She logs off Skype, locks her computer, stands up and buries her nose in her phone; walking towards the door. She gets to the door.
She screams and falls to the floor. She looks up at Dean and flips him off. I kneel down and pull her to my feet and into my arms
Me: You're a jerk, man.
Dean: Yep.
Audrey: How long were you two standing at my door?
Dean: Since you said Trust me Sam, I know what I'm doing.
Audrey: Oh, so.....you heard all that
Me: Yeah, we did.
Audrey: Oh....(blushes) alrighty then.
Me: You talked them into letting Seth and I have a shot (she nods. I kiss her cheek) I love you!
Audrey: Love you too, go chill until we leave
Dean and I go to our rooms

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now