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John drives us for about 20 minutes until we get to our destination.
Roman: (looking out the windows) Cambridge Estates? Audrey, where are we?
Me: Home.
John pulls up to the gate and rolls down the window. Security walks up and sees me.
Guard: Miss. Audrey! Mr. Cena, how nice to see you both again.
==Seth's Point of View==
Guard: Miss. Audrey! Mr. Cena, how nice to see you both again.
Audrey and John: Hey Tony.
Guard: Visiting?
John: Yessir.
Guard: I'll buzz you in.
The guard returns to the tower and buzzes the gate open. The car pulls through the gates and Audrey squeals.
John: Excited?
Audrey: Oh, God yes!
John: Good thing it's close.
I look at Roman and Dean who shrug their shoulders. John pulls the car down a long road and parks it in a garage. The two of them get out, as do we. John and Audrey enter the house through the garage door and we walk into this massive kitchen.
Audrey: I missed this place.
Me: Babe, where are we?
Audrey: Like I said, home....my home. Where I grew up.
Roman: This is where you lived?
Audrey: Correct.
Me: Who owns this place?
All of a sudden we hear voices and then see Vince McMahon standing in the kitchen. He turns and sees us and he smiles.
Audrey runs to Vince and he pulls her into a hug.
Audrey: Hi Grandpa!
Vince: You're back! Oh (kisses her) I missed my girl! Let me look at you.
She spins around. He smiles
Vince: You get more and more beautiful every time I see you.
Audrey: Thank you, Grandpa.
Vince looks at the three of us and John. He walks over and claps John on the shoulder.
Vince: Nice to see you, John.
John: You as well, Vince.
Vince: How long are the five of you here for?
Audrey: Till' Sunday night.
Vince: You want to stay in your house, I presume?
Audrey: If it's alright...
Vince: Of course, baby. Let me go get the house key.
He walks away. I pull Audrey into me.
Me: You live here?
Audrey: Stephanie and Hunter were deep in the company when I was young....so, Grandma and Grandpa let me stay with them. This was my home. Grandpa was like a second daddy....he basically raised me.
Vince comes back and holds up a key. She reaches for it but he pulls it back.
Vince: What are the rules?
Audrey: (sighs) No boys except for John in my room, no smoking, no drinking, no sex, lights out by 1am, no noise complaints and leave it as I found it.
Vince places the key in her hand and kisses her cheek.
Vince: I'm modifying the first rule: John, Roman, and Dean are permitted in your room....and I know Seth is your boyfriend, so he can come in your room...but John will be there to supervise.
John: Will do, Vince.
Vince: Are any of these rules unclear to you, Audrey?
Audrey: No sir, I understand.
Vince: Good girl. You disobey me, and the allowance stops.
Audrey: Yes, sir.
Vince: Give Grandpa a kiss, and go home.
She kisses him and the three of us get back in the car.
Roman: Where are we going now?
Audrey: My house.
Me: You have your own house?!
Audrey: Grandpa wanted me to learn independence when I was a teenager, so when I was fifteen, he built me my own house on the property.
John: (to Audrey) What's the code to the gate?
Audrey: John, it hasn't changed since you came over the first time.
John pulls up to another gate, gets out, punches in a code on a keypad, and the gate opens. He gets in the car and pulls through and parks in front of this gorgeous house. Audrey kisses the foundation when she walks up to the front door.
Dean: Nice place.
She turns around and smirks.
Audrey: Wait till you see the inside. Boys, welcome to my home.
She unlocks the door and opens it. We walk inside and I'm in amazement. This house is huge. She gives us the tour.
Audrey: John, just go put your shit in your room....I'll give these three the rest of the tour and show them their rooms.
She holds out her hand for me to take. I grab it and she continues to show us this amazing house.
Roman: How many bedrooms is this?
Audrey: 5.....conveniently.
Roman: Why five?
Audrey: One for me, one for Hunter and Stephanie when they came to visit, one for John, and two for guests.
Me: One for John?
Audrey: Yeah....John was very close to me as I was growing up. When he could, he'd come visit...and Grandpa trusted him enough to leave him alone with me. He invested a lot of time in me.
John walks up and puts his hand on her shoulder.
John: I'm glad I did too...because she's the best friend I've ever had.
Audrey looks at him and smiles. She tugs my hand and we keep walking we stop in front of a door and she opens it.
Audrey: Dean, this will be your room for the weekend.
We walk in. The room is decked out in WWE stuff. There are posters of WWE Legends on the wall. Dean grins.
Dean: Hell yes!
Audrey: Get settled in, I gotta show Sethie and Rome their rooms.
Dean unpacks and Audrey continues the tour. She opens the next door and we walk in. She puts her arms around my neck.
Audrey: This will be your room, babe.
The room has yellow and black sheets, white walls, and shag carpet....and kinda has a retro theme. I like this room. I put my bag on the bed. She pulls my lips to hers and kisses me.
Audrey: Un-pack while I show Roman his room. I'll come see you in a bit.
Me: Okay baby.
She gives me one more kiss and walks out the door with John and Roman. I flip the lights on. There's a large desk with pictures on it. I pick one up-it's of John and Audrey. She had to have been like sixteen. They're in a pool and she's on John's shoulders and she's laughing. I look at another-her and Stephanie and Hunter. I look and see Hunter and Stephanie, but there's not a smile on her face...she looks miserable. So, she's resented them a while...makes sense. I un-pack my things and walk to Dean's room and knock on his door.
Dean: Come in.
I walk in. He's sitting on the bed.
Me: Impressive pad, huh?
Dean: I'll say. Let me ask you something: does John and Audrey being so close worry you?
Me: Nah, I trust them both. Plus, John already knows I'll beat his fucking face in if he tries anything with her.
Dean: Just making sure...I don't want you getting all jealous and making this weekend suck.
Me: I'm not worried man. Really.
Roman walks in the room.
Roman: Hungry boys?
Me: Not really, where's my girl?
Roman: In the basement with John.
Dean: What's in the basement?
Roman: I'll show you, c'mon.
We follow him down two flights of steps and see a recording studio, a gaming computer and a TV room.
Dean: Holy shit!
Audrey: Hey Dean, hey baby.
I look on the couch and see her and John on the couch and she has her back against John's legs.
John: Show me the video, Aud.
She pulls up YouTube on the TV and plays a video. It's a John Cena prank video.
This week's phone scam, check it out.
[Woman:] Hello.
I have just one question for you. Are you ready?
[Woman:] Am I ready for what, who's this?
Are you ready for this Sunday night when WWE champ John Cena defends his title in the WWE Super Slam? Right now you can order this awesome pay-per-view event for just $59.99!
[Woman:] I'm sorry. No, there is not any chance in hell that we're ever going to have wrestling in this house again. But thank you, but no. Have a good day.
John: I think I know what's gonna happen.
*ringing phone*
John: Yep, I knew it!
[Woman:] Hello?
And goodbye to anyone standing in John Cena's way when he takes on six men in a steel cage "chutes and ladders" match at WWE Super Slam. Order now and save $10 with the low, low price of just $49.99!
[Woman:] Sir, you guys just called me and as I mentioned before, we're not ordering this. So please stop calling my house. Thank you and goodbye.
*ringing phone*
I start laughing.
John: Fuckin really?!
[Woman:] Hello.
Hi, can I speak to champ?
[Woman:] Who?
Champ, is champ there?
[Woman:] Who is champ?
That question will be answered this Sunday night when...
John: (laughing) FUCKING HELL!
[Woman:] Who is that, hey?
John Cena defends the belt at WWE Super Slam.
[Woman:] Who is that, hey? Hey sir, can you just quit calling my house.
Taking on Sheamus, The Undertaker...
[Woman:] Quit calling me.
John and Audrey are cracking up
John: "Is champ there?" (cracking up)
Audrey: Who is champ?
John: That question will be answered this Sunday night!
Audrey: AH HA HAAA!! Oh God, it's just so Goddamn funny!

CM Punk and even Triple H and the Big Show in a spit-swapping makeout match...
[Woman:] Holy cow.
WWE Super Slam.
[Woman:] Listen, hello? Hello! Can you stop screaming and your little sirens or whatever that is? Can you knock it off for five seconds, not interested, stop calling my fucking house.
*ringing phone* *ringing phone*
[Woman:] Hello.
I'm watching you.
John: Oh Christ.
[Woman:] Excuse me?
That's exactly what The Undertaker told John Cena, but will he be able to take the belt from the mightiest champion in WWE history at this weekend's WWE Super Slam.
[Woman:] For the love of all that it's [beep] stop calling my house...
John Cena.
[Woman:] Before I get your number, I will track you down, and absolutely tear you to [beep] pieces. Do you understand me? I know you are John Cena, the crazy mother fucker.
Chainsaws! Explosions! Fireballs! Popcorn!
[Woman:] No wrestling, no super mother fucking slam is happening in this house.
She hangs up....they call her again.
John: You gotta be shitting me...again?? Audrey: YEP!
[Woman:] I swear to Jesus, if this is those wrestling fucks again.
Okay, good morning. Hi, I'm just calling this morning to ask if you're a supporter of the United States Military.
John: Oh, okay....they stopped.
Audrey snorts.
Audrey: No, they didn't.
[Woman:] Oh! My God! I apologize. We've been getting calls all morning. I apologize and yes, yes, I'm...
Fantastic, great. Are you a supporter of the Marine Corp?
[Woman:] Yes, absolutely, absolutely.
John: See, it's a marine phone call.
Audrey: No, it's not, John.
Good, great because a former decorated member of the United States Marine Corps needs your support.
And his name is John Cena. He's going to get in the ring and put boots to asses.
John starts roaring in laughter.
John: Oh my fucking GOD! This is great!
Audrey: I told you it would be hilarious.
[Woman:] You, are you kidding me right now?
This weekend! WWE Super Slam!
[Woman:] Are you kidding me right now, I can't even handle that, I cannot handle this.
Available right now at a low price of only $39.99!
John: (laughing) Like lowering the price makes it any less annoying.
[Woman:] I can't believe if you're calling me. I'm about to lose my [beep]
[Woman:] I swear I'm about to call the police.
Hello, you have a collect call from.
John Cena...
Will you accept the charges?
Audrey: (laying on John's lap laughing) I'm gonna pee myself!
[Woman:] Go [fuck] your mother.
[Woman:] Listen, stop calling. There - Is listening not your strong suit because I'm pretty sure it's [beep] not, but you are not hearing me, shut your [beep] beat down brain from Super Slam and listen - listen I don't care if they are $59, $99, $39, .39 fuckin cents, I don't want it, it won't happen, it's not running on my TV again, it won't be allowed in this house, do you understand me, never - I don't want to be wrestling here in this house, please going through closets and taking you out t-shirts and blurting them, I'm calling the police and telling that you're harassing me. Stop it now. I'm calling the police. Good luck to you. Have a nice day. [Beep] yourself.
John: Audrey? I love you for showing me this, I'm showing this to the locker room when we go back to work
They do their handshake.
Audrey: I figured you would like a video that had to do with you.
[Woman:] God damn what?
Hold on, hold on.
Mary, Mary this is the ZMorningZoo radio show on Z104.
How are you?
[Woman:] What, what...
We've been phone scamming you. Your husband - your husband Donny told us to phone scam you.
[Woman:] I - we are all in a fight right now. Are you kidding me right now?
I'm so sorry I felt so bad for you.
I couldn't believe the mouth talk you had on you, oh my god.
Well, it's fantastic...woooo
[Woman:] I haven't had my coffee yet. Shut up.
Yes, oh, I'm sorry...
I know how that feels...
Well, listen we won't be calling you back anymore I promise okay.
[Woman:] Thank Jesus.
Do you won't after hear this - all right you won't after hear that anymore.
[Woman:] I swear to God. I was going to jail and I don't - I was - oh, it was bad.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now