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==Audrey's Point of View==
I fall asleep and wake up excited and ready to prove myself. We park in the parking lot of the training center. I put on tight fitting workout clothes. We walk into the center and Roman gets in the ring. He looks at me and sits on the rope.
Roman: C'mon, in ya go.
Me: I'm not wrestling you...
Roman: (rolls his eyes) Yes, you are. Stop being a baby, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Me: I'll get in that ring if I can face Dean.
Roman: You'll face who I tell you to face, Now, get your ass in this ring!
I step back and shake my head. Seth groans and I feel myself being lifted up into the air. He climbs up onto the apron (still holding me on his shoulders)....
Seth: Catch, Ro!
He throws me over the ropes and into Roman, who catches me and sets me down. Roman gets ready to lock up.
Dean: She needs to go through initiation, Ro.
Me: In-Initi-initiation? Wha- what's that?
Seth: Proof of loyalty.
Me: This is optional, right?
Seth/Roman/Dean: Mandatory.
I get nervous and start to get out of the ring. Roman grabs both of my arms and holds me in the ring.
Roman: You gotta go through initiation. You're past the point of no return. You fought us for so long....
Dean: We need to know you're serious about being in The Shield. This is the only way to prove yourself.
Me: What do I have to do?
Dean: You have four choices for proof of loyalty: one- you let me plant you one time with Dirty Deeds
Me: Oh no.
Seth: Two-You take one curb stomp from me
Roman: Three- you take a spear from me
Dean: or Four- you take a triple power bomb from all three of us.
Me: Was me not attacking Dolph Ziggler not good enough?
Dean: No.
Roman: You have sixty seconds to decide.
Seth: Starting now
Fuck! Well, I'm not letting Seth curb stomp me....I could get a concussion....same thing with Dirty Deeds. So....I'm left with a Spear or Powerbomb. Well, a powerbomb would be from like eight feet in the air.....that might break a rib, a spear is the safest option....and it'll be over quicker.
Seth: Time's up.
Roman: What's your choice?
Me: Can I just retract my membership and just go back to being a hostage?
Roman: Pick one and get it over with. Did you decide?
Me: Yes.
Dean: On what?....
Me: You guys are going to break my ribs or give me a concussion.
Seth: Tell us your choice or we'll make one for you.
Me: (under my breath) Have Roman spear me.
Dean: What'd you say?
Me: I said, sp-spear me.
Roman: You want me to spear you?
Me: I don't want you to....but.....if I have to do this to prove myself, then I have to be an adult about it. And I'd rather just it over and done with.
Roman pats me on the head
Roman: Good girl.
Seth and Dean slide in and both get on my left and right side.
Roman: Alright, Audrey, is that your final choice?
Me: Yes, that is my final choice.
Roman: Okay, you can't change your mind now. Dean, Seth.
Dean and Seth hold my arms out. I panic.
Me: Wai- why are you holding my arms out?
Dean: So you don't puss out and run. You have to do this, there's no turning back now.
I whimper as they pull me to the center of the ring. Roman backs up to the turnbuckle and crouches down facing me.
Roman: It'll be over quickly, I promise.
Me: Then I'll really be a Shield member?
Roman: (nods) Then you'll really be a Shield member.
He pumps himself up.
Dean: (sternly) Stay still, Audrey.
Roman does his battle cry and runs at me. Dean and Seth let go of me as Roman slams into me; spearing me and planting me into the canvas. I grip my stomach.
Dean: Give her a couple minutes to get up. Good spear, bro.
Roman: Thanks.
Dean: Now, let's see how she reacts.
I get on my hands and knees and cough
Me: FUCK! That hurt!
I feel someone lift me up; I look up and it's Roman.
Roman: You okay, doll? Anything feel broken?
Me: I'm fine....I'll live.
Roman: You'll be okay. You took that better than most men.
Me: It hurt. You're not a man, you're a goddamn tank!
Roman: (smirking) Damn right.
Dean walks up and kisses my cheek
==Dean's Point of View== I watch as she picks herself up and steadies herself. I put her in a headlock and kiss her head
Me: Alright! Good girl! Congratulations, Audrey. You are now an official member of The Shield.
Roman and Seth hug her and congratulate her.
Roman: You good to start training, kid?
Audrey: Yes.
==Audrey's Point of View==
Roman: First lesson: Shield members aren't afraid of anything...now, put those big girl pants on and lock up.
Me: You promise you won't hurt me?
Roman: Yes, Audrey. I'll get you in holds but I won't intentionally hurt you. But if you keep acting all scared, this'll turn into a 3 on 1 until you toughen up.
I lock up with Roman. He gets me in a headlock but I elbow him in the ribs, I sweep his leg and he falls. He picks me up but I punch him in the head and he drops me. I flying knee him in the face and then dropkick him. (Seth and Dean already look impressed) he gets me trapped in the turnbuckle and goes to punch me but I slide between his legs, jump on his waist and punch him. He falls to the ground on all fours and I quickly climb the rope and deliver a tadpole splash. He groans in pain, grabbing my waist and suplexing me. I regain my momentum and curb stomp him.
Dean: Alright, that's good enough for two minute round.
I get up and help Roman up. He ruffles my hair.
Roman: For someone spoiled their whole life and someone who has never wrestled...you've got promise. (to Seth and Dean) doesn't she, boys?
Dean: I wanna see her break out of some holds now. (smirking) why don't you get her in some holds and locks....not too tight though, but strong enough she'll have to actually try to break free of.
Me: Shit....
Roman grabs me and puts me in a camel clutch. I groan uncomfortably.
Seth: C'mon, use that brain of yours
Dean: This is the easiest to get out of.
I maneuver my hands out from Roman's knees and punch him in the face and push him off me. I smirk and get him in an arm barr...but he just stands up (with me still attached to his arm) and flings me down. He grabs me and puts me in a sleeper hold. I bring my leg straight up in the air and knee him in the face. Frustrated, I jump on his back and try to put him in a sleeper....he lays down on the mat and shifts his weight onto me, putting me in a kimura lock. He actually puts pressure on it.
Roman: Do you submit?
Me: YES!
Dean: We don't submit in The Shield. (to Seth) your turn.
Roman lets me up. I get up; panting. Roman gets out of the ring and stands by Dean
Me: (panting) I can't do this...I don't know how to wrestle.
Dean: Bullshit, you can wrestle....you just need proper training. If you were terrible, we'd take it easy on you.
Seth: But you know counters, holds, certain moves...face it kid, you may have never wrestled...but being forced into this company has given you a gist for it. Now, lock up....C'MON!
Seth tackles me right to the ground. He puts me in an armbar. I curl around and jerk out of that hold. I stand up and motion for him to come at me. He smirks and we lock up. He tries to get me in a headlock but I counter it and actually pull every bit of strength out of me and suplex him. His head bounces against the canvas. I bounce up and down, "C'mon Rollins, c'mon Mr. Architect. You wanna train me or not? Come at me! You ain't afraid to hit a girl, are you?" I say; taunting him, "There will be no hitting in the face. If you do that, I come in there and we have a real match." Roman warns. Seth slowly gets up. I crack my neck before he gets up. He lunges at me but I step to the side and kick him in the stomach. I get his feet on the second ropes and pull him out so his body is dangling, "She's pulling an Orton!" Dean exclaims as I DDT Seth to the mat. I climb on him and pull his leg up. He kicks out at 2. I groan. "You're doing good, kid." Dean says; I look at him smirking, "Why don't you switch places with him then, Mr. United States Champ?" I taunt, he narrows his eyes at me. He nods and slides in; exchanging spots with Seth. We stand opposite one another, "prepare for a battle, little one." He says, "bring it, Sen Sai Ambrose. Don't hold back." I reply. We touch gloves so to speak and Dean steps back, "Boy, you're screwed." Roman mutters, I turn and look at him, "Thanks for the vote of confi-" I start to say but Dean grabs my waist and throws me down. I manage to buck him off me. "First rule, don't turn your back on your opponent." Roman instructs me. I glare at Dean, he innocently shrugs his shoulders.
==Roman's Point of View==
Dean and Audrey go at it. She does really damn good for a spoiled rich kid with no prior wrestling expirence....she could come in handy. It's good she's in The Shield now, because a girl is just what we need to complete us and make us the most dominant, influential faction in the history of the WWE. After a few hours we call it a day and head back to the bus. We all go to the TV room and collapse. Audrey lays her head on Dean's stomach.
Audrey: (groaning) I'm gonna be sore for a week (to Dean) did you have to freakin' superplex me?! Was that really necessary??
Dean: (smirking) You said don't hold back.
Audrey hits him in the nuts.
Audrey: There, now we're even.
Dean grips his crotch. Seth and I bust out laughing.
Dean: That was a low blow, Audrey.
Audrey: (smirking) Well, I did just hit you in your lower region....so....yeah, you've got that right.
Dean: You wait till we lock up again, kiddo....I'm gonna make you tap.
Audrey: Bring it.
Dean: What are you, The Rock?
Audrey: What makes you say that? Can you smell what I'm cooking or something?
I cannot help it, I bust out laughing my ass off. I high 5 Audrey. Dean pulls Audrey up and pushes her against the wall.
Dean: Don't get too full of yourself, you're still the puppy in this pack of hounds. Now, apologize to your pack leader, or you'll be disciplined...
Audrey: I apologize for hitting you in the man parts, pack leader.
Dean: And?....
Audrey: I was out of line, and any punishment you see fit to put on me I deserve.
Dean: And?...
Audrey: I will learn my place.
Dean: Good girl, go sit with Roman.
==Audrey's Point of View==
All four of us are sitting in the TV room. My head is in Seth's lap, my feet are on Dean's lap. Roman's sitting on the floor playing Halo.
Me: I'm glad I came to my senses....this is much nicer than fighting with y'all and cowering in fear.
Dean: Isn't it?
Roman: (pauses the game) You know, Dean...Seth...we forgot to tell her that her being in The Shield constitutes the three of us to be able to do something.
Me: What's that?
He grins and faces me.
Roman: THIS!
He starts tickling me. I get up.
Me: No no! Stoooooop!
Roman: Dean, help me out!
Dean holds me down. I start squealing and laughing. I beg Roman to stop....and he does, and he looks at Dean and has a non-verbal conversation with him and nods. They both sit on me and keep tickling me. I squeal.
Me: I'll scream for help!
Roman: Seth, make sure she can't scream.
He goes to cover my mouth with his hand but Roman stops him
Roman: Make out with her, idiot.
Me: Roman, now that's just unfai-
Seth pushes his lips against mine. At first, I fought it, but when he looked deep into my eyes and lightly kissed the tip of my nose....I just gave in and begged him to kiss me again. He takes my face in his hands and our lips merge. He bites my bottom lip...asking for entry, which I gave him. His tongue explored my mouth and suddenly I zoned out and the only thing I could focus on was Seth. He was so passionate...so....experienced. I've never been kissed like this before. I start moaning through the kiss. I feel Roman and Dean get off of me.
Dean: Damn, man! Get some!
Dean climbed on top of me and pinned my arms to my side. He bites my neck
Me: (moaning) More, baby!
Seth: (smirking) What do you want me to do, babe?
Me: Fuck me!
Roman: Okay, that's enough of that.
Roman yanks Seth off of me. I stand up and pout.
Roman: That's not happening. Sorry.
Me: You're not my father, Roman!
Roman: Your father gave you to us, and Seth is apparently your love interest so that just leaves Dean and I title-less...
Dean: I go for big brothers....because ultimately we have equal power over her that a father would.
Roman: That works, from now on, we're your big brothers.
I smile.
Dean: What? What are you smiling about?
Me: (squealing in excitement) I HAVE BIG BROTHERS!
Dean hugs me and then Roman.
Roman: Yes, you do....and you're gonna have to listen to us. Got it?
Me: I'll try.
Dean: Good girl.
Roman: We love you, baby girl.
Me: I.....
Roman: It's okay, I understand. You'll say it back when you're ready.
Dean: Now, we have to be somewhere in a couple of days, so you'll make your first appearance as a Shield member. (points to me) you've had a big day, why don't you get some sleep.
Audrey: Yes sir, pack leader.

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