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 Seth turns the tv on and we just watch American Dad until RAW starts. Joey and Jamie come get us. We can hear Mom and Dad introducing Seth as we walk to the curtain. He grasps my hand as The Authority's music comes on and we walk through the curtain. He looks around at the entire arena decorated for him, and smirks. I kiss him and we make our way to the ring. We get to the ring, and he holds the ropes open for me. I curtsy, "Such a gentleman, Mr. Rollins." I say; getting in. Daddy hands both of us a microphone as he puts an arm around me.

The arena looks great, Hunter, thank you.

Well, you deserve to be celebrated, Seth. You're an invaluable asset to The Authority. We're lucky to have you....and I know my daughter thinks she's lucky to have you too.

I'm more than lucky.

Seth smiles.

Seth, we just care so much about you. You've done a lot for The Authority....and for our daughter. And to say 'thank you', and because it is your birthday, we wanted to get you something....

Yes, we did, and this is from the both of us: BRING IT OUT!

Suddenly a yellow Lamborghini with Seth's logo drives up. Seth's eyes go wide and he hugs mom and dad.

Wow! It's gorgeous! Thank you Hunter, thank you Steph!

Well, Audrey helped....she came up with the idea to put your logo on the car.

Seth puts his hands on my face and kisses me. "thank you, baby." He whispers in my ear, I smile and nod. J&J walk up to Seth next. Jamie puts his hand on Seth's shoulder.

Boss, I speak for both Joey and myself when I say, we are lucky you're our boss. And we wanted to get you something, but we really couldn't think of something that you didn't have....so, we chipped in with both of our paychecks and decided to give both you and Audrey something.

Jame, you didn't have to get me anything....it's not my birthday.

I know, but we figured the both of you would like this....we decided to send you to Jamaica and pay for everything....We figured a week off work in a beautiful country with your beautiful woman would make you happy, boss.

Seth and I hug Jamie and Joey and thank him. Finally, I'm last.

Seth, I know I've already given you one part of your gift earlier today (he and I both smile) but I want to give you part two. Now, it's nothing like a vacation or a Lambo....but you did say you wanted this. I just added a few....modifications to it.

I pull out a large box. He opens it and inside is a solid gold Rolex watch with diamonds and in the center his logo in sterling silver. His mouth falls open.

A solid gold Rolex with diamonds. A class A watch for my class A man. I hope you like it.

(kisses me passionately)
This is amazing, thank you baby.

That's not all. You remember how mom and dad gave me the authority to make Ambrose and Reigns' lives a living hell (Seth nods) Well, because it is your birthday, I'll let you decide which one you hate more, Ambrose or Reigns. Which one?

That's a tough one....I hate them both. But if I had to pick one.....I'd go with....Reigns. Just because he's still under the delusion that he's entitled to take you from us because you're his apparent sister.

Then, since it's been decided, I will officially make the following match: Roman Reigns versus Big Show, Mark Henry, Kane, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, and......(I look at my dad) my daddy in a one hour long, no disqualifications, no count out extreme rules match.

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