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 They grab a camera and stream it live.

So, how are you handling the uncertainty, Roman Reigns? Not knowing what we'll do to your baby sister? Not knowing what we've already done? Well, she'll be staying with us for quite some time....so, you know she'll be (starts stroking my hair) well taken-care of. Allow this anger to eat you up, to consume you....because you'll become the very thing you don't want to be. (pauses) And Dean Ambrose—the lunatic fringe....how does it feel Dean, to have someone you care about stolen right out from under you? How does it feel knowing that we can do whatever we like to her? How does it feel knowing you cannot save her? The dominos have fallen boys, good luck trying to set them back up in this earthquake.

He pans to me; tied to the chair with tape on my mouth. I'm whimpering. They cut the camera. The Wyatt Family lock me in their dressing room while they go out and have their match.

The Wyatt's collect me at the end of the show and they keep me for a week, I've never been so scared. They leave me to go get dinner and I'm left their hotel room in a straightjacket and a gag in my mouth that needs a key to unlock it. I start to give up hope—until someone opens the door. It's Roman! He picks me up like a baby and runs with me. Dean's waiting at the parking lot for him. He quickly puts me in the limo and then he and Dean get in. The limo driver takes off. They both hug me. I collapse in Ro's arms.

Thank God, (sighs) I was so worried.

I can't say anything because I'm crying so hard and I'm gagged. I thought we were going to the bus, but we get to another bus that looks nothing like ours. Roman carries me in this bus. It's much bigger than ours. It's even got a bigger bed in the back...which Roman carries me to.

What the fuck does she have on her face?!

It's a gag used in BDSM. It can't be taken off looks like....unless we had some bolt cutters.

What about the straight jacket?

Just undo the belts. I'm gonna go to the nearest hardware store and get a pair of bolt cutters so we can get that off her face.

Hurry Roman!

Roman rushes off the bus.

It's okay, kiddo. We're gonna get that thing off your face.

He comforts me until Roman gets back.

Audrey, you have to trust me and stay absolutely still. I'm gonna snap the lock off.

I nod. Dean pulls my head down, I whimper as I hear a loud snapping noise. Dean lifts my head up and tugs on the device...it loosens and he pulls it off of me; freeing me and allowing me to talk again. I cough and gasp for air. Roman lays me down and crouches on the side of the bed. Dean gets a cold washrag and puts it on my forehead.

How'd you know where I was?

We planted a GPS tracker in your necklace that we gave to you six months after you were given to us....took us a week to get into the program to track you down.

Did they hurt you?

I don't wanna talk about it.

Audrey, did. They. Hurt. You?

I curl up into fetal position and don't say a word. Roman crawls up next to me and puts his hands on my stomach. I shift uncomfortably and say, "OW!" under my breath. Roman looks at me funny and pulls me out of fetal position. He lifts my shirt up and his eyes go wide.

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now