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The video starts.

Sam's in her room at our house with One Direction playing softly on her phone.

Hey Roman....Hey Dean! Miss you both, I wanted to make this video and have you show it on RAW....which, you're probably doing. But, I thought the WWE Universe deserved to know what was going on with me. So, I'm just gonna cut to it...I'll make this as short as possible, because I know Dean wants to go hunt Seth Rollins down and beat his scrawny little slimeball ass, and what kind of sister would I be if I stopped a wonderful act of God like that?

Dean and I chuckle at that.

Anyways, (waves again) Hey WWE Universe, all those in the arena in the great city of Dallas! Home of the amazingly talented Dallas Cowboys and their star QB Tony ROMO! (the crowd cheers) and those that are watching at home—I miss being in that squared circle with my brothers....and I'm gonna tell you why I'm on the titantron and not there in person right now: those of you that remember about nine months ago...well, almost ten months, Bray Wyatt, Eric Rowan, and Luke Harper kidnapped Roman and myself, tortured me, and kept me hostage...then kidnapped Roman's daughter. Well, after they had Roman's daughter and I had been with them for a month, they screwed up and when they bound my hands together and left to go get something to eat, they used tape and not rope. I was able to find something sharp enough in the hotel room to cut my bonds. And then, to sweeten the situation, one of them left their cell phone in the room...so first chance I got I called my lunatic fringe brother, and he came to the rescue. When Roman, Joelle, Dean and I had reunited I came to the realization that his daughter and I weren't safe...even with Roman and Dean around, so his daughter and I left the country....didn't tell anyone where we went....and for four months, Joelle and I lived peacefully and happily in Cancun, Mexico. Three months after I got there, I contacted my boys and they came and stayed with Joelle and I for a bit. While they were there, I realized that I needed to come home.....so, I left Mexico and I'm back in the states now. (the crowd claps) I'm in Pensacola—where I intend on staying....until I feel comfortable and confident enough to go back to work. I don't know how long I'll be here....hell, it could be permanent. (crowd boos) But, that's what the update is. I figured, those of you that are a fan of Roman, Dean, and myself have a right to know what is going on with the drama. (she cracks open a can of Mountain Dew) Now, I know Stephanie McMahon and Hunter are in their little office slash dressing room watching this....so, I wanted to bring up another event that occurred recently...over the last three days in fact—and Roman, I think you know where I'm going with this. (I nod) three days ago I was celebrating a friend's birthday. I left the club about 2 am. On my way home, a drunk driver slammed into the front passenger's side of my car, crushed the door and the car's body in so far I was literally sandwiched between the twisted remains of the passenger's side door and the driver's side door (she rifles through the desk in her room) in fact, (holds the picture up to the camera) this is what my car looks like now, and as you can see, it was flipped upside down. (she puts the photo away) When the car door got pressed up against me, it broke my arm and created such a huge gash in my arm that I ended up losing 60% of my blood volume within the first three hours following impact. Well, my dad found out and he had the detective in charge of my case call Roman, who got down here within 2 hours of finding out about the accident. When he got there, the doc told my family that I needed a blood transfusion, or I was going to die....so, Roman being the amazing brother he is...told the hospital to test his blood to see if he was a compatible donor. Our father and our eldest brother Matt did the same—Roman and Dad were compatible, but Roman decided to give the full 60% of his blood himself. (she holds up her arms and turns it around so the bottom of her arm is showing) So, (she kisses her arm) what's flowing through these veins is the blood of Roman Reigns, the blood of a Samoan...Now, Hunter and Stephanie can't use the excuse that I'm not Roman's sister because I'm not his blood. I'm now really his sister, I'm a literal Samoan, and I have the true blood of an Anoa'i. (she smirks) How do you like that, Hunter? Anyways, I gotta go—bye WWE Universe....Roman, Dean, seven more RAW's. Love you.

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