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                       Kitchen wars

"Ok I've got all the ingredients to cook this huge cake. You ready Naruto?" Sakura shouted while putting down the groceries. You see, long story short, Ino wanted be to cook her cake for her daughters tenth birthday and Sakura l volunteered to do it.

"Ugh Sakura chan why did you volunteer to do this anyway?" Naruto whined.

"Because shes my best friend Naruto and besides, she did the same for us on our wedding day.

"Yeah but nobody ate except Chouji and their daughter Kinko." Naruto said. He is right. Nobody ate the cake, but instead it became a food fight. Naruto started too so no surprise there.

"Yeah but still. Now come on and wash your hands and help me." Sakura said while getting the dirty dishes out.

"Ugh fine." Naruto said as he headed s towards the sink. After he washed his hands, Naruto turned on the oven to pre heat it. Then they started to make the cake.

"Sakura chan, how long is this cake going to take to make?" Naruto asked while stirring the cake batter.

"I don't know maybe...three hours I guess... I've never cooked a giant cake like this before so who knows." Sakura says while stirring the other cake batter.

"We'll I hope this one taste good and looks better than your regular cooking haha." Naruto said chuckled a bit. Naruto may not be aware right now but what he just said just set off an atomic bomb in their kitchen.

"What about my cooking?" Sakura said calmly. She might look calm in the outside but on the inside shes screaming.

"I said that we'll sometimes your cooking could be....you know....nasty." Naruto said oblivious of the dark aura surroundings Sakura.

"Oh...hey Naruto?" Sakura asked as she pulled the mixer out of the bowl the batter was in.

"Yeah Sakura chan?" Naruto said as he turned around. He didn't even know what hit him. The next thing he knew he was sitting on the kitchen floor with the cake batter running down his face.

"Thats for insulting my cooking...and its not that bad for your information." Sakura said with crossed arms looking down at her husband.

"Ok..ok..I see how this is gonna be." Naruto said while getting up. As he was getting up he noticed a bag of flour right behind him and put his hands in it.

"We'll here's pay back!" Naruto shouted while throwing the glob of flour onto Sakura's face. She had flour all over her face and some of it in her hair. She then opened her eyes to reveal a mischievous look.

"Two can play,at this game." Sakura said and grabbed an egg and cracked it in Naruto's hair. Then to make it worse she rubbed the yolk down in his hair.

"Since you wanna do that..." Naruto started to say. He then grabbed his cake batter and dumped it into her hair and rubbed it down too.

"This means war!" They said in unison and grabbed every food they could find and threw it at each other. Soon they were both sitting on the kitchen floor back to back to each other covered in food and powder and tired.

"Well...that was fun." Sakura said. She was mostly covered in flour and egg yolk. Naruto practically dumped the whole box on her and had most of the eggs.

"Yeah it was." Naruto said. He was mostly covered in cake batter since Sakura has already made four bowls of batter.

"Hey....I love you Sakura chan..." Naruto said as he started to,reach for her hand.

"I love you too Naruto..." Sakura said. She noticed his hand getting close to hers so she closed the small gap and entwined her hand with his.

"Now.....who gonna clean up this mess...." Sakura asked.

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