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                    ~How could I not?~

Sakura stood next to her now boyfriend ,and forever best friend, Naruto Uzumaki. They had just made their relationship official two months ago. Sakura was actually the one to confess first which caught Naruto off guard. His face was in utter shock.

"Heheh." She giggled thinking about that memory. Sakura looked at him and blushed.

She often wondered how did he actually fall for her ,and to stay in love at that, when she was rude, nasty, and a jerk to him during those middle school days to now.

'How did I end up with this perfect human being?' Sakura thought. She then proceeded to check him out.

Naruto had sun kissed tanish clear skin with those whisker marks complementing his face well. He had that perfect blonde spiky but soft to the touch hair. Then his eyes were every beautiful and mesmerising to look at. It felt like she could look at them and get lost for days. He had on a grey t-shirt with a red jacket on and some black pants.

Naruto finally noticed her looking at him with adoring eyes and blushed a little.

"Why are you starring Sakura chan?" Naruto asked her.

His question snapped her back to reality. Sakura smiled wide to the question.

"Why wouldn't I?" She answerd.

Naruto blushed harder and turned his attention forward.

"Uh I uh I think this store has that medical book you've been wanting for months um let's go inside." He said. He grabbed her hand and guided her to the store.

Sakura, while still looking adoringly to her boyfriend. 'Hes cute when he's embarrassed.'

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