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Destined to be together

"Ok bye Mom I've got to get ready for my date with Naruto!" Sakura shouted all the way from the front door.

"Ok bye sweetie." Mebuki shouted back to her child. As she closed the Mebuki sighed.

"Well Kushina...you were right..they are destined to be together."


"Oh she is so cute Mebuki!" Kushina squealed excitedly. Mebuki just had baby Sakura a few weeks ago while Kushina had already given birth to Naruto.

"Yeah I know she has my eyes but her father's hair color." Mebuki said looking down at her child.

"Just wait one day Sakura and Naruto are gonna have the cutest babies..and we'll have the cutest grandchildren!" Kushina said.

"Woah slow down Kushina I mean they've just been born and now your thinking about our grandchildren?" Mebuki said to her close friend.

"I know but remember when you and I were still pregnant, and I said that if Naruto would be a boy then Sakura would most likely be with him." Kushina said.

"Yeah but...what if she falls in love with someone else and it doesn't happen I mean we can't make them fall in love with each other." Mebuki said looking down at her child. Truthfully she wanted them to get together but what if she doesn't like him? She can't make her fall in love with him.

"Well I don't know but I just have a feeling that they'll get together...I just know it." Kushina said. She was really dedicated to this idea of her son and Mebuki's daughter to get together.

"Ok but it still might not happen." Mebuki said defending her statement against Kushina's reasoning.

"But it will." Kushina said in a singing voice. Mebuki just laughed at her hyperactive personality.

"Your gonna be the best mother to your son Kushina." Mebuki said with a smile.

"I think you'll be a great mother to Sakura chan too." Kushina said with a big smile.

Flashback over~

Mebuki sighed at the memory. She missed her friend and her hyper personality dearly.

"Well it looks like your dream has came true Kushina." "You were always a great predictor." She said. After she said that the front door was opened and slammed closed quickly.

"Hey Mom have you seen my red ribbon I can't find it for my date." Sakura said coming to her.

"I saw it in your room before you left." She said.

"Thanks Mom!" Sakura said. She ran upstairs and and went in her room to retrieve her ribbon. After she got it she ran down stairs but only to be stopped by her mother.

"Mom I have to go he'll be waiting for me any minute." Sakura explained to her mother.

"I know but I just wanted to tell you that....try to keep this one alright he seems...nice." Mebuki said to her daughter.

"Don't worry Mom I will...." Sakura said with a smile in her face.

"Ok Mom I really have to go now I'll see you later!" Sakura shouted while running to the door. Mebuki smiled at her daughter.

"I hope you watching this from above Kushina...thats you future daughter in law." Mebuki said.

Back in Heaven was a red haired woman looking down on the whole situation. As she looked on a smile formed in her face.

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