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                Sensitive information

Sakura came home from a tiring day of work. She took off her coat and set down her keys and went straight to the kitchen.

"I'm soo hungry." She looked into the fridge and took out some leftover spaghetti. She took off the plastic top and stuck in the microwave wave and put it on one minute. While it warmed, she poured so e water and say it down on the coffee table in her living room.




"Ooh that smells so good!" Sakura said and sat down on her couch and turned on her tv. She started to eat her meal but later heard a knock on her door.

"Ugh who could that be?" She said and reluctantly got up to answer it. "Who is it?"

"Delivery for Haruno Sakura?" The mail man said. Sakura looked through her peep hole and saw him standing there with a big orange envelope and opened the door.

"I didn't make a delivery."

"This is from someone else."


"I can't say. Only because it's anonymous."

Sakura sighed and took the package. "Thank you sir."

"You're welcome." The mail man replied. Sakura closed her door and looked at the orange envelope.

'What if it's from somebody dangerous? Or what if it's a ransom note?! Or worse!' She thought. All kinds of thoughts ran through her head before she opened it.

"Sakura you've been watching too many action movies..." She grumbled to herself. She finally opened it and pulled out a paper.

Dear Ms Haruno,

What you are about to reach is sensitive information that are only for your eyes.  Please read this by yourself.

"What the hell is this?" Sakura reached into the package and found a white envelope.

"Let's see what this is." Sakura sighed and opened the envelope. She pulled out the piece of paper and unfolded it and read it.

I love you


  Uzumaki Naruto





Ok y'all I thought it was kind of funny on this opt prompt blog I was looking at. Don hate me. Anyways, happy Valentine's day!

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