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               The first time we met

It was a ordinary day for Naruto Uzumaki. A whole day of being bullied and ignored by children and adults and getting in trouble for attention. But today...today is going to be different.

"Monster." A villager said walking by him. Naruto had grown use to those kinds of words people throw at him. But he could never get use to the way they made him feel. Hes heard of the saying "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" and tried to believe in it but it didn't work.

'I don't think I can do this anymore...if one more person comes up to me like they always do then I'm done.' Naruto thought. He then walked to his place of solitude, his swing, by the academy only to find someone else on it.

"Hey." Naruto said to the little girl. The girl was a little bit shorter than him and had cherry blossom pink hair with a red ribbon tied across her head and a yellow sun dress on.

"Yes?" The little girl asked while swinging high.

"Your on my swing...could you please get off." Naruto said a little bit softer than his usual loud voice. He was sure she would just be mean to him ,but the unthinkable happened.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm gonna go to this school next week since I just moved here and I just saw this swing and I just got on..here you can have it back." The little girl said nicely to him.

"Wait..your not going to get mad at me or call me names?" Naruto said astonished at her actions.

"No...and why would I anyway I mean you seem nice." She said with a smile.

"Well everyone calls me names like killer and monster...and I don't even know why." Naruto said sadly. He looked as of he would shed a tear and the little girl noticed this quickly.

"Hey don't cry...I'll be your friend if it'll make you feel better." She said while whipping away his tear.

"You will?" Naruto said surprised again at her actions towards him. She must not have been told to stay away from him ,but even the visitors from another village or country knows to distance away from him.

"Sure I will besides..it looks like you need a friend to lean on anyway." The little girl said smiling once again.

"Well new friend my name is Naruto Uzumaki what's yours?" Naruto said with a smile...a real smile. He hasn't felt this happy since...well...since forever.

"Sakura Haruno is my name and its nice to meet you Naruto." Sakura said while shaking his hand.

"Hey since you wanted to swing earlier you could get on and I could push you." She said excitedly.

"Um ok." Naruto said happily. He then got up on the swing and Sakura got behind him a pushed him high.

'Maybe I could stay in this cruel world a little bit longer...with her by my side' Naruto thought while swing in the air.

And from then on Naruto and Sakura continued their friendship and continued to get closer two one another.

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