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                ~Dreams do come true~

Naruto was tossing and turning in his bed, sweating bullets all over his face.

"No!" Naruto shot up from the couch he was sleeping on with his eyes wide open. He started to wipe his face from all the sweat on the bracket he had. Naruto got up and headed towards the bathroom and turned on the light.

"Another nightmare...."

He looked at his reflection in the mirror. He looked so unhealthy. He was skinnier than what he's supposed to be, he had bags under his eyes from the countless nightmares he had, and his eyes were blood shot red.

He has been getting countless of nightmares every night for that padt three weeks. And they've all been about the same concept.

Naruto turned off the light and headed upstairs to a room and opened it. He walked on after closing it and shook the person in the sheets.

"Hm...mmm....Naruto...you up again?" Sakura asked.

"Yes I...I had another nightmare." Naruto said.

"Oh ok well come on." She said while making room in the bed for him. He slide into the covers facing away from her while she faced his back. Sakura wrapped her arms around him and started to carase his arm.

"What was the nightmare about this time babe ?" Sakura asked him.

"Its the same concept as always, you dying right infront of me, but this time someone came out of the woods but and ambushed us while we were on a mission." Naruto explained. He started to softly sob. "You bled out right infront be of me I couldn't be do anything about it." he said.

Sakura felt him sobbing and started to kiss his neck and the left side of his face. "Hey turn around and look at me." She said. He turned around and faced her. She put her hands on his face .

"I'm not going anywhere...not anytime soon ok...I love you so much." She said and kissed him deeply.

"I know and I love you too." He said. Naruto scooted closer her and they cuddled together throughout the night without any nightmares to come. This was how it went every single day. Well at least until he started to stay at his girlfriend's house.

The next day was hell for him. He didn't feel like leaving the bed but he knew he had too. He was the Hokage. Naruto got up and changed clothes after showering. Sakura already went to work at five so he walked to the tower by himself. He tried to hide his exhaustion bit it seemed harder to do everyday. Naruto finally reached the tower and went to his office where his secretary, Shikamaru, was waiting on him. Shikamaru knew that he didn't feel and look to his best but kept to himself. He knew Naruto probably didn't want to talk about it anyway.

"Good morning Naruto." Shikamaru said.

"M-morning Shika." Naruto replied. He sat at his desk and they both got to work. Soon night came and it was time to go. They got their stuff ready for tomorrow and said their goodbyes and left. Naruto walked back to Sakura's apartment since he knew she was already at home. He walked in the door and took off his Hokage cape and hung it in the coat rack and sat his hat on the coffee table. He went to the bathroom and took a shower for five minutes and pu on his sleeping clothes. He laid out on the couch and put the blanket over him and soon fell asleep.

                        ~  Dreaming ~

"Sakura where are you?!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto!" A voice called out.

Naruto gasped in fear. 'Sakura chan!' he thought. He ran in the direction of  hee voice.

"Hurry!" Sakura called out.

"Don't worry Sakura chan I'm coming!" He said. Naruto ran at full speed into the direction. It felt like he was running for hours until he abruptly stopped and held his head in pain.

"Ahh!" Naruto yelled out in pain. The noise of a beeping sound got louder and louder causing him to feel more pain until he passed out.

"Wha-" Naruto opened his eyes but only to see two figures infront of him. He got up and started to walk closer to the figured until he made out who they were.

"Sakura chan?" He said aloud. There was a mysterious figure standing next to her with katana in their hand. By the slashed headband, he could tell he was a rouge ninja.

"Help me.... please." Sakura said softly with tears coming down her cheeks. Naruto tried to sprite but found him self unable to move his feet.

"Why...can't I...move?" He asked him self. Naruto looked down at his feet saw why His feet were mashed together with the ground. Naruto struggled to get free but their waa ni prevail. Naruto looked at her in fear for the worst.

"I can't move!" He said aloud.

"It's ok... I'll be ok... trust me
" Sakura said. she smiled weakly with her tears flowing down he face like a river. Naruto saw the mysterious person move their katana in a certain position behind her.

"Don't you touch her you freak!" He yelled.

"Naruto...I'm ok..." she said with the same smile on her face. "It's gonna be fine." Sakura kept saying. Naruto knew that it wasn't gonna be fine. This was gonna be awful.

The person moved their katana over Sakura's neck and pressed it hard causing blood to seep a little.

"I said don't touch her!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto I guess this is goodbye then." Sakura said.

"No no don't say that Sakura chan y-you're gonna be ok y-you won't die I won't allow it." Naruto said with tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Naruto...I love you." She said. It was the last thing she said before the person sliced her throat.


                        ~ Reality ~

"Ahh!" Naruto jolted up from his sleeping position. He quickly got up and headed for the bathroom. He lifted the toilet seat up and started throwing up. This one was the worst nightmare yet. He heard footsteps rushing down the stairs and going to where he was.

"Naruto I heard you scream are you alright!?" Sakura asked worriedly.

"I-I'm fine sak-" he was cut off by throwing up again.

"You are not fine Naruto these dreams have made you emotional and physically drained....for now on you're sleeping with me I don't care if you like it or not." Sakura said.

Naruto looked up from the toilet smiled slightly. "Ok." He said. He soon finished throwing up And washed his face while Sakura waited. When he was done, they went back upstairs and slipped into bed with Sakura cuddling Naruto.

This went for a week and in that week, the nightmares stopped coming. He actually got some sleep for the first time in three weeks.

"Good night Sakura chan." Naruto said.

"Good night Naruto I'm glad you're actually getting sleep." She said.

"Me too... I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She said and they both drifted off to sleep.

Naruto awoken with the sound of rain hitting on the roof. He checked the clock and it was 5:45 am. Naruto turned on his other side only to see it empty. He quickly sat up wondering where she was. He got up and looked around the house but Sakura was nowhere to be seen. He then found himself in the living room where there was a card on the table. He picked it up and read it. That's when realization kicked in.

In loving memory of Sakura Haruno....

She was never here. It was only a dream. The recurring nightmares were what really happened to Sakura. He just hasn't been coping well to her death.

              ~ it was only a dream ~

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