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Happy Father's Day

"Daddy wake up!" A little girl said jumping on a kings size bed. Two other little people followed her jumping up and down.

"Yeah Dad wake up today's a big day!" The eldest of the three said.

"Come in and wake up sleepyhead!" The middle child giggled.

"Ok ok I'm up I'm up...what is it?" Naruto asked his three children. He sat up on his back board while the children sat down in front of him. He looked at his three children.

The eldest one was named Shinachiku but they called him Shina chan for short. He had pink hair and green eyes like his mother but had his father natural dark skin. The middle child was named Hanako. Like her brother she had her mother's hair and skin tone but her father's eyes. The same goes for the smallest one in the group Hanami.

"Dad do you know what day it is?" Shinachiku asked him.

"Yeah it's very important today!" She shouted in excitement.

"Ah please lower your voices it's only," he looked at the clock. "7:32 am!" He said.

"Well we wanted you to get up early because we have a lot of things planned for you." Shina said while the other two nodded in agreement.

"What's so special about today?" Naruto asked. They all gasped.

"It's fwather's day," Hanami got cut off by her sister. "Hanami it's father's day." Hanako said. "Right Father's Day." She said.

"What that's today?" He asked.

"Yes now come on Dad!" They said. They started to pull Naruto out of bed and he just let them drag him downstairs all the way to the kitchen.

"Ok daddy sit right here and relax while we cook you breakfast." Hanako said.

"Yeah just like mom would." Shinachiku said.

"Yeah." Hanami said. The three children went into the kitchen to make their father breakfast.

'yeah just like Sakura chan would' Naruto thought. He wondered what it would have been like I'd she was here with him. Maybe things would have been a lot easier. If only she lived through that last childbirth then maybe...maybe their army could be complete again. He was soon ripped out of his thoughts when he heard his name.

"Ok dad we're done!" They said in unison and came out the flapping door. They sat down his breakfast. As soon as he saw it he thought his eyes would pop out of his head.

"W-wow kids this is...um." he trailed off. He looked at the food in front of him. He guessed it was supposed to be a toast with bacon and eggs with the drink as orange juice but there was barley any in the cup.

"Sowy there isn't enough orange juice in the cup it spwilled while coming here." Hanami said.

"A-ah it's ok baby at least you tried." He said with nervousness all in his voice.

"Ok dad here's your food no go eat while we clean up the kitchen." Shina said and went to the kitchen with the rest following him.

"Oh Kami..." he muttered. He looked up and saw them looking at him. Waiting for him to eat it. He gulped down hard and got his fork and picked up an egg piece.

'Here we go...' He put the piece in his mouth and chewed slowly.

'This is horrible.' He thought.

"This is uh... delicious." He said with a forced smile. He chewed the test of it and tried ,but failed, to make it look like ant effort was put in while swallowing.

"Daddy did you like it?" Hanako asked.

"Yep it was something." He said. On the outside he looked normal but on the end side he wanted to just cry. It was that bad.

"So eat the rest of it." Shinachiku c said. Naruto's eyes widen but quickly returned back to normal while he waved his hands quickly.

"N-no no daddy is um...full at the moment because it was so good." He said.

'I'll just eat ramen noodles later.' He thought.

"Oh ok well cone on and let's get ready for the rest of the day." Shina said. She took her father's hand and helped him get up while Hanako grabbed her little sister, Hanami, hand and took her to their room.

"Alright." Naruto said and headed to his room. He changed into a simple black t-shirt with orange pants that came to his ankles. He then put on his Hokage open jacket.

"Ok we're ready!" Hanami shouted. He opened the door and smiled at them.

"Well let's go." Naruto said. He picked up Hanami and grabbed hold of Shinachiku's hand while he grabbed Hanako's hand. They waked out the door. They walked down the street of Konoha where they saw mostly of fathers playing with their sons and or daughters.

"Wow today is so lively today." Shina said.

"Well today is Father's Day and on Father's Day they have festivals, free food, and dancing and ect." Naruto explained.

"I wanna go to festival!" Hanami said.

"Yea us too!" They said. Naruto looked t his kids and nodded in agreement.

"Ok then let's go." He said and headed that way. When they got there it was very beautiful and even more lovely then the village road. There were some rides and food and games. Just full of fun.

"Come on Dad lets go have fun together!" Hanako shouted as he put down Hanami.

"Ok so what do you want to do first?" Naruto asked them. They looked at each other then lookex back at Naruto smiling.

"Well since it you day -" Hanami cut Hanako off. "You pick where you wanna go!" They said. "Just don't pick any lame rides!" Shina said. Naruto held his hands up in defence

"Hey I won't!" He said. The day went on on full of rides, games, with being stuffed animals, food, and just plain old fun with his children. By the time they were done with everything it was about seven o'clock. Right on to.e for their bed time. And his for tonight. Naruto managed to carry all three back to their house and put them in their beds. The last one to be put down was the oldest. As soon as he put Shinachiku down , Shina spoke to him.

"Dad?" He said.

"Yeah Shina chan?" Naruto replied.

"Did you have as much fun as you do at your job with us?" Shina asked.

"Of course I did why would you ask me something like that?" Naruto asked him.

"Well you spend only a little time with us unlike when you go to work because you stay there all the time while aunt Ino watches us." Shinachiku explained. Naruto was shocked that he felt that way. But at the same time he didn't. He hasn't been doing the best he could especially since he's been a single parent for three years now.

"No no no I could never live my job more than you." Naruto said.

"Really?" He asked. Naruto just smiled at him

"I couldn't wouldn't trade the world for a better day with y'all ... believe it." He said. Shinachiku smiled as he closed his eyes.

"I love you daddy." He said.

"I love you too Shina chan." Naruto said and closed the door.

'Believe it.'

Ik I'm late but better late than never right?

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