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             A sacrifice from the heart

Sakura woke with a sudden pain in her chest. She violently gasped for air and tried to push herself off if the ground. It was fuzzy but she remembered what had happened before she blacked out.


He stabbed her in the chest with his hand. Before that she remembered where Naruto pointed to where they were gonna fight. She looked around and saw Kakashi out cold out of exhaustion. She crawled towards him to make sure he wasn't in any life threatening danger. She inspected his body and saw nor sensed anything life threatening to him. So she sat him up on a rock and proceeded to find where the battle was taking place.

                    ~Meanwhile ~

"Ugh!" Naruto cried out in pain. Naruto was currently losing the final battle due to exhaustion of the the last one.

"He-yah!" Sasuke shouted and kicked him in the stomach which sent him flying a few yards.

"Guh!" He said as he landed on his stomach. Naruto struggled to stand up. When he did stand up he fell back down to one knee standing.

"Give it up Naruto...I've won this battle." Sasuke said slowly coming towards him. Naruto coughed up a little blood then spoke.

"Heh it looks like it....doesn't it huh," he said and smirked. "But I will not give up you see I banged you up pretty good too." Naruto said while chuckling a bit. He was right. Sasuke had a bloody leg, eye, and was bleeding badly from his torso.

"I guess you did but guess what," he said while heading straight to him. "I'm still gonna kill you." Sasuke said. He ran towards Naruto tried to punch him but Naruto blocked it.

"I might be weakened but I won't give up." Naruto said and looked straight into Sasuke's eyes. "Believe it!" He yelled. Naruto then punched Sasuke in the stomach making Sasuke to stubble back a lot and cough up blood.

"Come on...I...I can go on all day." Naruto said now standing up and raced towards him.

                 ~Back to Sakura~

'I've got to find them soon...' Sakura thought. She struggled to a least sense their chakra levels. She could only sense a little bit due to the fact that her chakra is a little weak and theirs are too.

'I..I have to find them soon or they'll...or he'll...' She thought to herself. She couldn't bare the deaths of both of her friends. Especially the one who cares about her the most. She just wouldn't last.

'Oh Naruto...'

She picked the wrong time to fall for him. She should've listened to everybody else. Especially herself. She knew she liked him
Loved him. But she pushed it to back of her mind.

"I cannot let him die...not now." Sakura said aloud. She gathered all the strength she had left and focused on Naruto and Sasuke's chakra.

'Found them!' Sakura thought and raced to their location as quickly as she could.

When she finally found d then she just had seen all the damage that's been done. There was broken earth everywhere. Everything in shambles. Big mountains and monuments turned into rubble and dust. At least most of it.

"Yah!" Sasuke cried kicked Naruto back.

"Guh!" Naruto cried out to n pain.

"Naruto!" Shouted but not loud enough to where they could hear her. Naruto was knocked on the ground on his knees. They both looked like his was about to pass out from all of their chakra being used up earlier. Sasuke then straightened his back and looked at him from a distance.

"Naruto it's over...you have nothing else to fight me with." Sasuke said.

"I...I guess so old..friend." He said and smiled lazily.

"Don't worry Naruto I'll become Hokage and destroy the crupt system in Konoha." Sasuke said. "But you'll just have to eat g from above." He said. He then used the last of his chakra and started forming his ultimate move. The Chidori.

"Heh I guess I will see you do that from above...good luck with that." Naruto said. Sasuke looked at him sadly. He really didn't want to kill his friend but he's in his way. And with that Sasuke sprinted towards Naruto.

'Oh no he's gonna kill him I...I cannot let that happen...I've already lost enough people!' Sakura said and sprinted into action.

'Heh so this is how it ends huh...I'm sorry Sakura chan...I failed you...and myself.' Naruto though and closed his eyes and awaited the pain.

"Ah!" A voice cried out in pain. Naruto opened his eyes to reveal a nightmare before him.

"S-Sakura chan...." He said in a whisper.

Sakura coughed up blood and held in tightly to Sasuke's arm. The Chidori went straight through her side.

"Sakura chan!" Naruto yelled at full force. Sasuke looked surprised. He didn't even notice her chakra presence.

"I..won't let..you..kill him...not as long as I'm here to...protect him." Sakura said. Sasuke eyes narrowed.

"Heh...still the annoying girl...always in the way." He said.

"I might be to you," she said while holding his arm still and tight, "but this annoying girl is about to beat you to the ground." Sakura said and looked her him. She got a hold of his arm and punched him in the stomach. It sent him flying a lot of distance. After that Sakura fell to the ground. She was already losing a lot of blood due to the fact she didn't have enough chakra to heal herself. He vest was covered in her blood. There was no way she could live unless a miracle happened.

"Sakura chan!" Naruto said and grabbed her before she hit the ground laid her in her lap.

"Sakura chan why...why did you do it?" He asked.

"Because...I wanted you to...reach your..goal." She said weekly. Tears started to fall down his face but she weakly wiped his face.

"Hey...don't cry...it hurts to see you..cry." She said with a warm smile on her face.

"I never got to confess to you that...that I love you so much...I always have." He said tearfully.

"I..love...you...too..." Sakura said and closed her eyes.

"Sakura..?" Naruto said. He shook her a little but there was no response. "Sakura chan!" Naruto shouted shook her a bit more. He eventually stopped and held her to his chest crying.

"I'm sorry Naruto," Sasuke said, "but it was her choice to get in the way...like she always does." He said. He was a bit slummped over holding his stomach.

"You...you monster... I'm gonna make you pay!" Naruto said and laid Sakura down gently to the said and looked at Sasuke with pure anger.

"You're coming back to the village with me...or we'll both kill ours selves fighting each other." Naruto said.

"Heh fine by me!" Sasuke said. They both looked at each other and ran towards each other to begin round two.

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