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The wedding part 2: Fate

Sakura awoke to sun coming up from her hotel window. She groaned as she moved around in her bed. She felt bodies all over the bed and last night's memories invaded her mind.

"Oh... that's right. The party.

Right before her wedding, the girls- Ten Ten, Hinata, Ino, and Temari- decided to have a little party just before she's married.  Let's just say one thing led to another and things got crazy.... Really crazy.

"We made such a mess last night..." She mumbled. Sakura stumbled in the kitchen half asleep and managed to fix herself a cup of coffee. After, she made her way to the window and stared into getting distance.

Sakura liked the morning sun. It was quite a sight and plus, peace and quiet. She usually thought everything out that was going through her mind during this time. It's one of the reasons why she loves being a morning person.

Sakura didn't tell the other girls but she had a lot of things on her mind, last night and especially this morning. She's grateful that they took her out for a girl's night, she honestly needed the distraction. But now, it was time to face her thoughts.

Everything that happened before led her to this moment. She guessed he set everything in stone from the beginning. From their kind of awkward meeting up to now, now that she though about it, it was fate.

She still remembers her talk with her mom a couple of weeks ago...


"You know, everytime I think about how you two met, it makes me think about how two were made for each other." Mebuki, her mother, teased.

"What do you mean Mother?"

"Well, you might not know this but I knew his mother."

Sakura turned to her mother surprised by this sudden revelation. "What? Before she died?"

"Yeah. She was a first young thing. I remember when we got into a fight-I lost- but we made soon after because these other girls were about to jump us." Her mother giggled.

"Wait hold on, you got into a fight?! You never told me any of this!" She shouted.

"Oh? I guess I didn't think it was important at the time."

"Really." Sakura said with her sarcastic tone seeping through.

"Anyway, after that day, we become close friends. Haha I remember the when she and I sat down  together just to talk about you two."


"Yeah. She was still pregnant she was close to bursting. I had you already as well. She wanted to talk about if our two children would get together."

"Eh?" Sakura said a little confused. "Together?"

"She didn't know if her baby was going to be a boy but she just knew they'd somehow end up with my children. And look now." Mebuki chuckled. "Oh goodness! It was like she planned the whole wedding from the day she saw you! Kushina always said that fate would bring you two together and here we are."

This revelation shocked Sakura for a moment. Was she right? "Yeah... I guess."

"Mm. But enough about all of that and help.me back this cake will ya?"

"Yes ma'am!"

                   ~ Flashback over~

"Well, I guess Mrs. Uzumaki got her wish..." Sakura smiled to herself and took one last sip of her coffee. "Alright... Let's have a wedding."

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