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  Happy birthday our cherry blossom!

Sakura woke up with the sun shining upon her face. She turned to the other side of the bed and laid there for a few minutes. Sakura then groggily got up from her bed and went straight to the bathroom to do her personal hygiene.

Sakura sighed. "Whats the date today?" She asked herself. She walked past her bed and looked at her calendar made up of cherry blossoms. "Now let's see...." She said and looked.

March 28

"....It's my freakin birthday today!" She shouted excitedly. Sakura then ran around her room before she got on her bed and started to jump up and down. "It's my birthday," She said. "I'm finally eighteen years old!" She then stopped and came to a realization.

"I need to get ready for the day!" Sakura said and jumped off the bed and raced to her drawers. She then got out a light green long sleeve shirt that was a little bit big at the top and grabbed white pants. She had gotten some plans to do today in her eighteenth birthday and that is to have a relaxing time. With all the missions ,her formal Sensei, Kakashi has given them and her friends she's sure they had forgotten. So today she plans in having a peaceful day.

"Ah my hair is a mess." She complained. She then grabbed her hairbrush and brushed her hair down until it was neat. She tucked some of the hair in side while having some of it out. She looked in the mirror but thought there was something missing.

"Hmm somethings missing...ah!" Sakura acknowledged her red headband. It was a headband that Naruto bought her a few weeks ago and decided to put it on today.

"Ah now that's better." She said approving her attire. "Now that I'm dressed I think it's time I head out I mean it is a beautiful day." Sakura said and put on her punk shoes and headed our the door.

"Ah what a beautiful day...a beautiful and perfect day for me." Sakura said and started to walk around the village. She looked around and saw that everyone was in a good mood. Even after the war two gears ago, people were trying to bring nicer to each other and have tried to see the good in things.

As Sakura walked around some more she came across a park and saw a cherry blossom tree starting to bloom. She smiled.

'This might be one of the best birthdays I've ever had.' She thought. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud voice piercing through the once peaceful atmosphere.

"Sakura chan!" Naruto yelled. Sakura smiled a bit and turned to face his direction. Naruto had grown a few more inches and became more built in the body. Also the baby fat ,in his face, was almost all gone which made him look very mature.

"Naruto hi." She said.

"Hi Sakura chan ah happy birthday." Naruto said and wrapped her in a tight hug. They both blushed as they pull away quickly.

"Uh yeah um thanks haha..." She trailed off.

"Y-yeah so how was your morning?" He nervously asked her.

"It was fine considering that it's my birthday," she said and smiled in delight, "and I'm so glad I finally turned eighteen too."

"Yep well welcome to the big leagues." Naruto said while turning away from her. "Hey um now that you mentioned it uh I have a uh surprise for you." He said. This caught her attention.

"A surprise?" She said in confusion.

"Yeah you're gonna have to put on this blindfold first." He said and pulled out a white cloth and tide it in front of her eyes.

"Now im gonna guide you to the surprise ok and promise not to ask where were going or anything like that." Naruto said.

"I promise." She said. Naruto then grabbed her hand and put his other hand on her shoulder and guided her.

'I wonder what the surprise is?' Sakura thought, 'oh what if it's a relaxing place with just the two if us or a romantic dinner or-' Sakura's thoughts has been interrupted again with Naruto's voice.

"Ok Sakura chan we're here!" He said excitedly. Then stood in front of her and proceeded to take off the blindfold and stood back a bit. Her vision was a bit blurry because of how tight it was and how long she wore it but when it became clear she was full of awe.

"Happy birthday Sakura chan!" Her group of friends said to her. Ino, Sai, Lee, Kakashi, Naruto, and even freakin Sasuke was there to show their support.

Sakura was so shocked and in awe by this. She didn't really think that they would remember with everything being a bit tight and all.

"You guys actually remembered..." Sakura said. Tears started to form in her eyes and moments later the tears started to flow down her cheeks but felt someone wiped them.

"We would never forget your birthday Sakura chan your very important to us." Kakashi said.

"Yeah even though you look worse than crap you are a pretty nice person." Sai said with his usual smile.

"Gee thanks Sai." She said getting a little annoyed from him.

"Oh forehead like I would forget my best friend's special day." Ino said.

"Hn happy birthday...Sakura." Sasuke said with a bit of a smile on his face.

'Did he really smile?' She thought. It was very faint but there.

"Yes Sakura San you are a very beautiful youthful person I could never forget about you." Lee said and smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Sakura giggled at his silly nature.

"Sakura chan we care about you way too much to just to forget about your birthday." Naruto said while holding her hands. Sakura blushed a bit and smiled. A lot of people care about her and she knew this but she didn't know this much.

"Ok ok I love you guys you're the best set if friends I could ask for." Sakura said.

"Aww." All except for Sasuke said.

"Now let's go have some cake." Kakashi said. They all cheered and got a slice of cake.

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