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                 ~Lets Start Over
                                    Sequel to 39~

It's been a month since Naruto and Sakura took a break from each other. One... agonizing months to be exact.

Sakura was currently laying in her bed staring at the celling thinking about him. She replayed the events in her head over and over again regretting her decision. Over the past four months she's realized some...stuff. She realized she really didn't love Sasuke at all. That small crush was long gone. She stopped loving him while both Naruto and Sasuke was gone. She just convinced herself that she loved him for so long...she started to believe in it.

"You did this to yourself Sakura.' She said aloud. Sakura picked up the paper that was laying right beside her and looked at it again. You see while Sakura was going through the town to get fresh air, she stopped by her teacher's tower and asked for some much needed advice. Lady Tsunade said to write down a list that both boys make her feel. So she did and she came up with this.

Sasuke makes her feel sadness, low self-confidence, weak, useless, and brings out that twelve year old fangirl in her. While Naruto makes her feel high self-confidence, beautiful, strong, happiness, and brings out the best in her.

"Why didn't I realize this earlier?" Sakura asked her self. She called up the paper and threw it across the room. She wants to get back with him. To be in his arms again. But she'd afraid he'll never take her back. And she wouldn't blame him.

"No." Sakura said and sat up. "I'm not gonna sit here and mop anymore." She said. She got off the bed and tried putting on her shoes. "You realize what you want now you have to take a chance and take it." She said while struggling with her boots. She put on a coat and headed out the door. She hoped that Naruto wouldn't completely hate her. They haven't really seen each other for a while and if they do they just stick their head down in shame.

Twenty-five minutes later Sakura was in front of his door. 'Here again.' She thought. Sakura hesitated at first but knocked on the door. A few minutes later Naruto opened the door with a surprised face but soon turned into a gloomy state.

"Oh Sakura...what are you doing here?" He asked in a monotone voice. Sakura cringed at his lack of suffix to her name and his voice.

"Hi Naruto um...can I come in?" She said a little quietly.

Naruto shrugged and stepped aside. "Sure." Sakura walked in and saw the place was kind of a mess. More than usually. Sakura felt uneasiness in her stomach.

'Look what you did to him...are you happy with yourself?'

Sakura sat down on the couch while Naruto sat next to her but made sure to put some space between them.

"So uh...how have you've been?" She asked.

"Sakura you can stop with the act." He said while looking at her. Sakura looked at him a little taken back by his statement.

"Why are you really here Sakura?" He said.

"Naruto I know that we haven't been on good terms for a minute but you don't have to be rude I was just trying to have a nice conversation." Sakura said.

" 'Trying to have a nice conversation' really because the last conversation we had wasn't so nice and o have a reason to be rude." He said.

"Naruto -" Sakura got cut off.

"If you're here to tell me something can you hurry up and leave please?" Naruto said and got up to go to the kitchen. Sakura got up and ran up behind him and turned him around.

"Naruto what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry ok!" She shouted. Naruto was taken back by her outburst and stayed silent and listened to her.

"I'm sorry and I regret ever telling you that we needed a break!" She said. "I just needed to figure my self and I did. I figured out that I had always had feelings for you and only for you and convinced myself that I still loved Sasuke. And you know what the sad part is? I don't even know why I fell for him because he never made me feel like you did!" Sakura shouted. Full tears coming down her face while putting all of her emotions on blast.

"I-" Naruto got cut off.

"I'm not done explaining how much I love you so shut up and listen. And Naruto did just that.

"You and only you made me feel like I was... useful. Like I could be something.... something stronger than what I was and always made me feel nothing bit joy, courage, bordness ok? All Sasuke ever did was make me feel like I didn't belong in Team 7 or even on the battlefield at that! Naruto I fell in love with you because you have meaning to my life and made realize that I can be something other than a pretty face." Sakura said with red eyes and wet cheeks. Naruto was speechless.

"Now I understand that you hate me because honestly I would too i just wanted to explain myself...I'll see myself out. She said and started to head for the door when she felt a tug at her shoulder which caused her to turn around.

"Sakura I don't hate you...I love you too much to hate I was still upset and I'm sorry -" He got cut off again.

"Don't be sorry I deserve it because everything was fine before I messed it all up." Sakura said unable to look at his face.

"Sakura." Naruto said. She still didn't look at him so he put his hand under chin and guided her to meet his gaze.
"Don't beat yourself up over it it was a mistake." He said. Naruto leaned in and kissed her lovingly while Sakura kissed back a little. They broke for air and Naruto pulled her close to him.

"Why do you still love me Naruto I mean I practically messed up a perfectly healthy relationship?" Sakura asked.

Naruto kissed her forehead. I love you because you're too amazing to let go. You bring out the best in me as well, but I got to be honest. When you told me you still had feelings for Sasuke I did kinda dislike you but I never stopped loving you for some odd reason let alone hate you. I love you." Naruto explained. Sakura smiled against his chest.

"Thank you for loving a disaster like me...I love you too Naruto."

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