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The game

Today was just supposed to be a nice normal day. There was sunshine but not too much of it. Just the right amount of heat for the transition of spring to summer time. Basically just a perfect day. That's until he happened. He just had to show up today and just ruin it. He provoked her into doing it. Now she can't escape from this position.

"Uh Sakura chan?" Naruto asked.

"Yes Naruto?" She replied.

"... You're not gonna win this you know." He said with a smirk.

'How dare he doubt me like that!' Sakura thought.

"Oh and you're so sure about that huh?" Sakura said.

"Yes," Naruto came closer to her face. Inches away from her pink lips. "I'm very sure you will falter." He said. Sakura then started to blush

'Darn it he's getting so close to me!' She thought. 'I can't let him win!'

Naruto leaned back on brick wall with the same smirk on his face. "Just look at you...I already have you blushing and all I did was get close to your face...just give up already." Naruto said.

Sakura stayed silent. She was gonna have to accept that she was gonna lose the bet. She put her head down so he couldn't see her face.

"You know Naruto..." She said.

'I am not gonna accept defeat!'

"I don't think you understand the situation because if I remember correctly you're the one who fell for me not the other way around." Sakura said. She had gotten real close to his face. Just a little bit closer then he was. Naruto was taken by back by this action. He thought she was gonna give up.

She gotten closer and move slowly towards his lips. His legs started to get weak and his face started to heat up.

'Is she gonna kiss me?!' Naruto thought. Her lips were just centimeters away from his. Naruto just fell into the moment and closed his eyes waiting for her sweet tender lips to hit his.

"And I intend to use it to my advantage..." Sakura before she kissed him. On the cheek that is.

"Wha-" he got cut off by Sakura's laugh.

Hahahahaha oh your face it's so red like a tomato haha." She said.

"Huh?" He said. He was confused. Wasn't she gonna kiss him? But it didn't matter anymore anyway because he lost the game. His face was as red as a tomato.

"Hey I told you that I was gonna win didn't I?" She said. All he did was just nod his head. "Aw don't be sad besides I'll give a little something for almost making me lose." Sakura explained.

"Oh yeah and what's that." Naruto asked her. all she did was smirk and moving in quickly. A minute later she pulled out of the kiss leaving him speechless.

"That." She said. Naruto looked surprised but his face soon turned back into a tomato.

I'm just on a roll this week huh...

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