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Finally! I found it!" Sakura said. She'd finally found her favorite donut place! She hadn't been there all week so when she went this Saturday afternoon, she found out they moved locations and have been walking around looking for it for about fifteen minutes.

"Simple but delicious glazed donuts here I come!" she squealed and headed inside. When inside, she was met with a line of people waiting to order.


Ten minutes had pasted and the line was becoming shorter and shorter. 'I'm almost there! Just one more person!' she thought.

"Good morning sir and welcome to Krispy Kreme doughnuts. What would you like?" The employee said.

"Yes I would like six glazed donuts please." said the man in front.

"Glazed? Good choice! I'll be right back." They said and grabbed a bag from the back. She came back and put the bag in front of him and grabbed the six donuts, putting them in the bag and folding the top. "Here you go sir. That will be six dollars please."

The man payed for his donuts and walked out of line and sat in the back of the little shop next to the window.


'My turn!' Sakura thought and stepped up. "Hello."

"Good afternoon ma'am. What would you like?"

"Ah I would like three glaze donuts please."

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am but we're out." They said.

"W-What? Out?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Well how long til you guys make new ones?"

"Tomorrow. We ran out of the powdered sugar that makes it glossy. Sorry ma'am. Do you want anything else?"

"No. No thank you. Ah see you tomorrow." Sakura shot the employee a half smile and got out of line.

' Damnit that guy in front of me took the last ones. Now I'll have to wait till tomorr-wait isn't that him?' she thought. As she was leaving, she spotted him in the back. She squinted her eyes and saw the man eating a glazed donut. 'It is! Maybe I can convince him to let me get one...' she thought and walked over to him.

"Uh excuse me." She tapped on his s shoulder. The man turned to look up at her and it almost took her breath away. His eyes were as blue and vibrate as the ocean. His hair was as bright and yellow as the sun. And that jaw line...good God!

"Uh hello? Anybody home?" The man said while waving his long limb in her face. Sakura snapped out of it and shifted weight in her legs in embarrassment.

"Sorry I-uh...a-anyways! You don't mind if I have a seat right?" Sakura asked.

"Uh yeah sure." He said. "My name is Uzumaki by the way." he said while extending his hand.

Sakura sat down and shook his hand. "Haruno." She looked at the glazed donut in his hand and looked back at him. "Ah you got glazed donuts?"

"Yes I do." chuckled the Uzumaki. "And may I ask why you sat down?"

'Shoot he's already asking questions!'

"Uh well it's a funny story. Do you want to hear it?" She asked.

"Sure." He said taking a bit out if his current donut. "Why not."

Seeing him take a bite out of her donut pained her to some extent but brushed it off. "Well, I haven't been to Krispy Kreme all week right?"


"So I decided to satisfy my craving of donuts and come here earlier but once I got there, I found out that they moved to a different location during the week. Crazy right?"

"Very." He smiled.

"So I spend fifteen minutes trying to find the place and when I found it, I was met with a long line of folks. So ten minutes later, this guy in front of me orders six glaze donuts!"

"That's a lot!" He playfully says.

"Right? Who needs that many glazed donuts? So ,since it's my turn, I go up and order but the employee tells me that they're all out and I'll have to come back tomorrow for them because they ran out of the powdered sugar. So as I'm going out the door, I noticed the man and wanted to see if he can share his donuts." Sakura explained.

"And how did that turn out?" He asked with a smile.

"I don't know. You think he'll let get some?" She smiled back.

"Hmm. I think he'll let you get some donuts if you agree to go on a date with him next weekend at the donut shop. What do you say?"

"I think I'd like that."

"Great. I'll see you next week. Haruno.

"Call me Sakura."

"Naruto." And with that, the he left her with donuts and walked out the door.

Sakura waited till he was out of sight before she pulled her phone called up her best friend. While it rang, she grabbed a donut from the bag and started to eat it.


"Ino! Guess who just got a date?

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