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Sakura walked into her last class of the day. Today was stressful for her. A day today her best friend, Naruto, was avoiding her all day. And she didn't know why.

'Was it something I did?' She asked herself.

She walked to her seat which was in the middle of class. She looked to her right.

'He should be here by now he never misses this class...' Sakura thought.

"Ok class lets get started," Mr. Kakashi said. "Today we'll be reading about the great first Hokage and the creator of this town, along with his partner, Madura." He said.

Sakura looked to her right one last time before sighing. 'I guess he decided to skip this period...' Sakura thought.

"Ok class let's get started buy passing out the history-"

"I'm here I'm here?" A voice yelled. Sakura looked to the door and her eyes widen with surprise.

"Naruto...?" She whispered aloud.

"Naruto you're late-in fact ten minutes late." Kakashi said.

"I know and I'm sorry but I-" He got cut off by our Sensei.

"Just go sit down now." He said annoyed. Naruto didn't say anything and just walked to his seat. While he was walking Sakura was looking at him. Naruto noticed someone was looking in his direction and looked in her direction.

Sakura's breath got caught in her throat. This was the first eye contact they had all week. He looked at her until he sat in his seat and looked straight ahead. Sakura still started at him until a book being placed on her desk interrupted it.

"Ok class turn to page 386...." Kakashi said.

The rest of class time she couldn't focus on the book. She was too busy trying to come up with possible explanations as to why he's been avoiding her all week long.

'Did I say something to him- no I didn't because ever since last time, I became more careful with my words.' Sakura thought. 'Argh I just wish he would just tell me instead of ignoring me!' She mentally shouted. Sakura rubbed her eyes.

'I guess I'm just gonna have to make him talk to me.' Sakura thought.


"Ok everyone on your way out, put the books on the table over there you're dismissed." Kakashi said. Everybody got up immediately and put the books on the table, including Naruto.

"I catch up with him." She said aloud and rushed out of her seat. She quickly but the book on the table and rushed out the door.

"Now where did he go?" Sakura mummbled. She looked around before spotting sun colored blonde hair.

'There he is!' She thought. Sakura rushed through a group of people before she grabbed Naruto's hand making him stop. He turned around and looked straight at her. He was surprised but didn't show it.

"What is it?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Naruto we need to talk." Sakura said.

"We have nothing to talk about." Naruto said. He turned away from her and started to walk away from her until she suddenly grabbed him and started to pull him somewhere. The next thing he knew they were in a supply closet.

"The hell Sakura!" He shouted at her.

"You're gonna talk to me and tell me why you've been avoiding me all week and you're not getting out until you tell me." She explained with her arms crossed.

"This is ridiculous." Naruto said.

"I don't care now talk." She said. Naruto sighed but stayed silent avoiding eye contact with her. Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Fine I guess I'll get the conversation started." Sakura said. "You've been avoiding me all week including even having eye contact with me....why?" She asked.

".......Because...." Naruto said.

"Because what?"

"Because I heard you talking last week...on Friday." He finally said. Now Sakura was confused.

"What?" Sakura asked.

"When you were talking to Ino and TenTen." He explained. "You were talking about taking a break from me because you were tired of me being with you and hoping your hand and just being around you so I just avoided you all week to make it easier." Naruto explained.

Sakura remembered what she said to them on Friday. She then started to smile.

"So aren't you gonna break up with m- hey why are you smiling like that?" He asked. Sakura just continued to smile at him until She pushed him to the wall French kissing him. The surprise kiss soon turned into a make out session that lasted for two minutes before they broke.

"Why did you-" Naruto got cut off

"Naruto when I was talking last week I was talking about that little bit I babysit for extra cash." Sakura explained but Naruto was still confused.

"He always tried to hold my head is annoying most of the time so I was talking about taking a break from that little boy." She said. Naruto realized his mistake and smiled in embarrassment.

"Ah I'm sorry Sakura Chan I guess I got ahead if myself...forgive me?" Naruto asked.

"Of course I do." Sakura said. They both started to lean in into each other until they started to hear footsteps coming from down the hall.

"Well finish this later." Naruto said and winked.

Dedicated to My_smile_went_insane because I still did write a chapter for her for a present so here ya go fam!

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