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                        Hand holding

It was a cold day in February. Sakura had to do some arrons but also wanted someone to a company her so she asked Naruto. Now Naruto and Sakura had just started their relationship about a month ago but still haven't kissed let alone even hold hands. The farthest they've gotten was a hug. Pitiful. It wasn't that they didn't want to do all of those things but Sakura's just...shy.

Right now they were walking down the road of the leaf village. Naruto wanted to walk Sakura because

"That's what good boyfriends do!" He said earlier.

Sakura looked around her and looked at everybody. Mostly everyone that she saw was holding hands. Couples young and old to best friends to siblings. Everyone was holding has.

'Except for us...and it's all my fault?' Sakura thought. She looked at Naruto. Sakura knee that he wants ho hold her hand but he wouldn't unless she was ready to do that kind of thing.

'Ugh why couldn't he just hold my hand!' she thought. Sakura looked forward. 'I'm judt gonna have to do this myself.' Sakura thought.

Sakura side eyes him. He looked off guard so this was her chance. She slowly moved her hand from her side. Each time she moved closer to his hand, her face become more and more red. By the time she intertwined her hand with his, she was just as red as a tomato.

Naruto felt his hand being grasped and looked down. He then quickly looked at Sakura who was red in the face. She was still looking straight. He was surprised that she actually took his hand.

"Saku-" He got cut off.

"Don't talk!" She shouted a little.

Naruto just looked at her for a moment and smiled.

"Ok." He said and faced forward while  grasping her hand tightly.

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