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Cheer up

Naruto slept in his apartment complex with the fourth box of half eaten ramen on his coffee table. He had the day off from missions and thought he might stay in for the day. He really did want to spend it with his friends but everybody had a job to do. Especially Sakura since she worked as a medical assistant at the Konoha hospital.

Knock knock....

"Wha..?" He woke from the knock on the door. "What time is it?" He asked himself. He looked on his wall and say that it was 6:49 pm.

Knock knock....

He heard it again. Naruto sighed and got up. He walked to the front door while stretching. He yawned before opening the door. His eyes widen at the sight of who was at the door.

"Sakura chan?" He asked aloud. All she did was keep her head down a little.

'I wonder why she's here... should she be at the hospital?' he asked himself.

"Hey Naruto um is it un...is it ik if the cine in for a second?" She asked. Her voice sounded a little shaky but not enough for him to notice.

"Y-yeah um come in." He said he stood aside so she could walk past him. He then closed his door and followed her to the living room. She sat down on the couch while sat he say next to her.

"Uh sorry for the mess I didn't expect you to come over here especially this early since you were at the hospital today." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah I'm...sorry I um...didn't notify you." Sakura said. Silence fell among them. It stayed like that until he decided to break the ice.

"So Sakura chan I-" before he could finish his sentence, he noticed a tear streaming down her face our the corner of his eye. "Sakura chan what's wrong?" He asked.

Sakura turned to look at him. By now the tears were streaming down her face all at once.

"Sakura chan tell me wh-" he hot cut off again by a hug. She completely broke down in his chest. He was surprised at first but moments later he wrapped his arms around her so he cod comfort her. It took thirty to forty-five minutes to calm her down.

"Are you calm now?" He asked. Sakura just nodded in his chest.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. She nodded again. "Alright." They pulled apart and looked at each other.

"I'm sorry about that I-" this time she got cut off.

"There's no reason for you to apologize Sakura chan....now tell me why you were crying." Naruto said.

"I was crying because... something but terrible happened in the hospital." She said looking down.

"What happened at the hospital?" Naruto asked. There was silence. "Hey," he put his hand on her shoulder, " you can tell me." He said.

"Well what happened was that...I was in surgery and we had a patient that had a heart disease." she said. "We had him in the um ER for a number of months. Today he had to have a heart removal and...and...as soon as he got the heart out he just... flat lined." She explained. She looked as if she was about to cry again.

"Sakura chan..." he said.

"Naruto he had a daughter and a wide at home just waiting for him to come home...I promised the little girl that i would do my best to heal him but I failed!" She shouted.

"Sakura chan." She still looked down at her feet. Feeling ashamed of herself.

'I promised and I blew it!' she thought. But she was ripped out of her thoughts by Naruto forcing her to fave her.

"Sakura chan it's ok things like this happen." He said. "I know it's hard to...live up to a promise you make someone and sometimes they turn out alright and sometimes they don't." He said.

'I should know I'm still trying to keep that promise to you right now.' he thought.

"Your right your right but what if-" she got cut off.

"But nothing you just have to believe that she's gonna be fine." He said. "Believe it." Sakura chan giggled a little. But that smile soon faded be back into a frown.

Naruto couldn't bare that his best friend was upset so he thought of something to do.

"Ah Sakura chan I'll be right back." He said. She nodded and waited for him. A few minutes later he came out with drawings all over his face.

"Oh Sakura chan." He said in his singing voice. As soon as she turned around she felt a marker scribble all on her left cheek. She felt it and knew what had happened.

"Heh here." Naruto said tossing her a marker.

"Oh it's so on." Sakura said with a smile.

It's bad but...

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