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                        Bus buddies

"Wait! Wait damnit!"Naruto yelled to the moving bus. He was currently running after the school bus because he woke up late. He was running halfway to the bus when it finally saw him and stopped.

"Finally..." he breathed out and walked onto the bus.

"Listen here. You can't be late and expect me to stop for you every time you come running. This is your first and last time young man." The bus driver said to him.

"Yes sir it won't happen again. I promise!" Naruto declared and smiled.

The bus driver just blankly stared at him which made Naruto to shift his weight in embarrassment. "...Sit down."

"Ok." He said and quickly made his way down the aisle. As he was walking, he spotted a pink bubblegum like hair on the left of him and decided to sit there.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked. The pinkette took out one of her ear buds and gave him a look indicating that she didn't hear him.

"I said, is this seat taken?"

"Ah no. You can sit here if you want." She moved her bag into her lap and moved closer to the windy. Naruto took off his bag and sat down.

He shot her a smile but she didn't return the favor which made his smile faulter.

"I'm Naruto." He introduced himself to her. The pinkette looked at him for a few moments before introducing herself.


"Nice name. It matches you hair hehe."


"But you knew that already...."

"Uh huh."


Sakura continued to look at her phone which made it even more awkward for him. Naruto fiddled with his fingers for a minute before taking a small breath and spoke again.

"Uh I'm new-"

"I can tell." She interrupted. She put her phone down and looked at him. "You must've just moved here it something?"

"Uh yeah actually. I'm orginally from Osaka but I moved here to Konoha last week."

"Oh? This has got to be a coincidence because I'm from the as well."

"Really?" Naruto picked up with excitement.

"Yeah. I moved here when I was about ten but I still remember a little bit of the city life." She chuckled. "You miss it?

"Yeah I guess." Naruto said , scratching the back of his head. Sakura slightly smiled at him.

"Well, how do you like it so far? Konoha that is"

"I don't know yet. I haven't explored yet. I've just been in the house helping my godfather with the house you know?"

"Mmm. Well I guarantee you're going to like it."

"I think I like something here already...." He mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, just... thinking out loud. Anyways, how's the school?"

"Well it's big so you'll have trouble getting around. Then there's some cliques there, as usual, but overall, the atmosphere is good I guess."

"Well I'm glad to hear that. My last school was.... a mess. I definitely don't miss that."

"Is that why you moved?" She asked with curiosity.

"Mostly. It was for my godfather's new book but it was mostly the school. I hated it there so when I learned we were moving, I was full of joy."

"I bet. You're school must've been hell huh." She questioned.

"Yeah. Very much like hell. Over there I learned that people can be vile and evil."

"That bad huh..."

"Yup." Sakura looked at Naruto while he looked elsewhere. She knew what it felt like to be bullied and knowing that somebody had gone through it so bad that they had to move bothered her. Sakura smiled and surprised Naruto by putting her hand upon his.

"Well you don't have to worry about that over here. I promise you that it's going to be better I've here."

"R-Right. Thank you..." He said blushing at the physical contact. Sakura pulled her hand away and picked up her phone again.

"Besides, now we're bus buddies." She smiled at him and looked back to her phone. Naruto looked in surprise but turned it into a joyous smile.

"Bus buddies...I like it."

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