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                 Happy Mother's Day

Naruto woke up and replaced himself with a pillow so she wouldn't notice that he was gone.

"Ok let's do this." Naruto said.

'Lets get started.' Naruto closed his bedroom door and headed down the hall to his children's rooms. He opened his eight year old son's room first to see he's already awake.

"So you're already awake huh?" Naruto said with a smirk. Shinachiku turned around and smiled.

"Of course but you gotta make up Hanako though." He said. Naruto smiled back.

"Ok just be ready to go get the stuff once I get Hanako ready." He said. Shinachiku nodded as he closed the door. Naruto turned to the left and opened the door to reveal his sleeping daughter. He headed towards her and shook her lightly.

"Hanako it's time to get up." He whispered. She squirmed a little before opening her eyes.

"Good morning daddy." She said.

"Good morning princess it's time to get up because today is your mother's special day." Naruto explained. She nodded and rubbed her eyes while sitting up on her bed.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth while I get your clothes for you to wear." He said. Hanako got off her bed a nd went to her bathroom. Three minutes later she came back out looking refreshed. She then put on her close Naruto had chosen.

"Ok I'm ready." She said. Naruto got up and picked her up and closed her door. He then knocked on Shinachiku's door to signal that they were ready to go. He opened the door with his clothes on.

"Come on let's go." He said and walked downstairs quietly and walked our the door.

They went to three stores to prepare for later. The first one was the grocery store. The second store they went to was to get a picnic basket and a picnic blanket. The last one was a flower shop. After they got all the stuff, they went straight to the park to set the surprise up.

Meanwhile back at the house Sakura was currently getting ready for the day. When she woke up she noticed that nobody was there but her. She wondered why but pushed the thought to the back of her head.

'They're probably doing something together.' Sakura thought. She went downstairs only to find a note on the kitchen counter.

'We're at the park come join us love Shina chan!'

"Hmm they're planning something...but why?" She said aloud. "I mean there's nothing special about today." Sakura said. She shrugged and left for the park. When she got there, she noticed that the park was almost empty today.

'Hmm it's usually quite packed up but not today... strange.' She thought. She walked further into the park until she saw a little girl with pink hair and started heading towards her.

"Hanako honey what's going on and where is your father?" Sakura asked the five year old. Hanako turned around and smiled.

"Momma it's about time you got here!" She said and hugged her. Sakura giggled her back and picked her up.

"Hana chan where's everyone else?" Sakura asked. Hanako pointed in a direction near a tree. They headed over there to meet two blondes setting up food and pouring drinks.

"Wha-" She was cut off by Naruto.

"Sakura chan I'm glad you made it." He said and kissed her cheek.

"Uh Naruto whats going on?" Sakura asked. Naruto just smiled at her.

"Here mom." She looked down and saw different types of flowers in Shina's hands. "Happy Mother's Day!" He said.

'Of course that's what today is how can I forget!' She thought.

"Is this all for-" she got cut off.

"Thats right mommy all for you!" Hanako said. Sakura smiled brightly and kissed her husband and children.

"Thank you so much." She said.

"Your welcome baby." Naruto said.

"Yeah your the best mom ever!" Shinachiku said while Hanako nodded in agreement. Sakura giggled at his comment.

"Well let's eat." She said. They all sat down eating what was prepared and sharing a lot of laughs together.

I know suuuper late with this one but I don't care...

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