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               Thunderstorm part 2

Sakura looked to him in shock. She couldn't understand why he could still be in love with her after what happened. "Y-You're still.... Why?" She asked him. "Why would you still love me after-"

"You were the only person who saw me for me. Not for being from one of the most powerful clans. But for me."

"...." Silence now plague Sakura's lips. She felt even more guilty which made her tear up even more.

"I'm sorry." he spoke.


"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not giving you the attention you needed. That was on me. I should have been more attentive and notice your change in behavior."

"...You don't have it apologize. I'm sorry for trying to blame you"

"No that was on me. I'm sorry."

....Thank you...." Sakura breathed out. "You know I didn't stop loving you either. That's why when I saw you come in earlier, I got goosebumps-"

"What are you getting at? Are you just saying that?"

"No! No but....what if...what if we could-"

"Start over?"

Sakura looked up at him and saw sincere in his eyes. She gave him a half smile and nodded her head. "Y-Yeah start over. W-We can put this past us and-'


'Did he just....' she thought. She never thought she'd hear that suffix he puts at the end of her name ever again. It felt...nice to hear it again. She walked closer to him and surprisingly enough, Naruto didn't reject.

"I'm willing to put it behind us if you are." She said. "You were the best thing to happen to me and I messed that up with my actions in the past and Lord knows I would do anything to have you back..." She hesitantly cupped his face with her hands.

"Sakura-chan I..." He breathed out.

She moved his head closer to herself attempting to kiss him. Naruto wasn't rejecting at all and leaned in closer to kiss her.

The kiss lasted only for a few moments before Naruto gently pulled her face back. "Why-"

"I want to move past this. I do because if I don't, it's going to affect me negatively. I-no-we need to move on together. But not like this." He said.

Sakura's hands drop and she looks down slowly nodding her head.

"I can't be in romantic relationship with you. I can't because I know that even if I forgive you, you cheating will always be that dark thought in the back of my head. And that's not fair to you."

Naruto gently cupped her face made her look up at him. "But I hope we can still move on together as friends." He said.

Sakura nodded and smiled. "I would like that."

"Thank you." He said and pulled her in for a tight hug. "I needed this."

"Same here." The hug lasted for a good two minutes before pulling apart and smiling at each other. Naruto looked outside and noticed the sun was out.

"Won't you look at that." he said walking out the door. "The rain stopped.

"Oh really?" she said. They both grabbed their umbrella and walked outside. " It's so beautiful out here."

"It is isn't it?" He said. After looking around, the faced each other to say there goodbyes. "I think this is goodbye huh?"

"I guess so. I'll see you around." Sakura said and held out her hand. Naruto shook her hand and shot her a half smile.

"Goodbye Sakura."

"See you around Naruto."

Guys, should I just release all the ones I have are written now or wait and release one at a time? Honestly, I'm ready to be done. It's time lol.

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