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                                              He's really gone....

Sakura gasped at her environment. The mountains and buildings in the village were completely destroyed. It just seemed like a wasteland.

'I gotta find Naruto and Kakashi sensei!', She thought. They were all separated in battle while fighting Print of the S ranked criminals, the Akastuki.

Sakura walked towards a hill full of dirt and ash while holding her hurt arm and stood upon it and started to look around. "Naruto! Kakashi sensei!" She called out but no one answered.

"T-They have got to be around her somewhere...." She said. Sakura got off the semi hill and started to walk in the direction she saw Naruto go before they got separated from each other. She kept calling out for both of them while she stumbled around holding her arm.

"K-Kakashi Sensei! Naruto!" She's called out one last time. Tears full of frustration and worry started to form in her eyes. "You idiots both better be alive." She said softly.


Sakura froze and tried to hear better.

"Sakura!"  The voice said again. She turned in the direction where the voice was coming from.

"Kakashi Sensei!" She said and ran the best she could in that direction. 'It is him! I can sense his chakra with the little energy I have left.'  She thought. 'I can also sense someone else's chakra but it's so weak that I can't tell. Could it be Naruto?'

Sakura finally made it to her Sensei ,but froze when she saw the unexpected.

"Naruto..." Sakura gasped and ran straight to them.

"Kakashi Sensei what happened?!" She demanded.

"I found him in this state but from what I can tell is that he used kurama's full chakra."

"Are you ok Sensei?" She asked him.

"Yes I'm alright but as for Naruto...." He said. She then turned her full attention to Naruto. She lifted his head onto her lap and tried to see if he was wake.

"Naruto! Wake up! Are you ok?" She said while lightly slapping his face. Naruto's eyes started to move a little before he called her name.

"Sa...Sakura...Chan...." He said weakly.

"N-Naruto are you ok?!" She asked.

"To be honest.....No....No really haha....." He said and then started to cough violently.

"Don't worry I-I heal you and you be better OK?" She said and started to uses her little chakra to heal his cuts in his chest. Naruto noticed how she was flinching in her left arm while she healed him.

"Sakura chan...a-are you hurt?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter if I'm hurt all that matters right now is that I keep you alive. You lost a lot of blood and chakra so let me do this for you ok." She said while her tears started to well up again.


"Idiot shut up and save your energy!" She said while closing her eyes tightly allowing the tears to flow down her cheeks.

Kakashi looked at the both of them with pity. He knew what was coming. He knew that Naruto has no chance of surviving when he first spotted him. And deep down, he knew that Sakura knew it too.

"I am not gonna let you die right here in this wasteland! I won't allow it!" She said. She suddenly opened her eyes and felt a soft touch at her right cheek.

"Sakura chan it's alright. I've accepted my death at this point. I've lost too much blood ,and you don't have the energy to heal me properly." Naruto said.

"I don't care I-I'll do whatever it takes..." Sakura said

"I know you.....You would but it's too late for me... I just regret not keeping that promise to you..." He said.

"What promise?" She asked.

"I...I promised you that I will bring Sasuke back to you but....I never fulfilled that promise." He explained.

Sakura chuckled at the explanation. "Naruto, I don't care about that stupid promise. I are about you a-and keeping you alive so you can return back to the village. So you can achieve your dream! So you can become Homage! That's what I care about!"

"T-Thank you for believing in me Sakura chan.... You don't know how much it means to me for you to acknowledge my dream." Naruto said. At this point, Naruto could barely keep his eyes closed and his breathing was becoming more slow.

"I...love you....Sakura chan. T-Thank you for...for b-believing in me...." He said. His hand suddenly dropped from her check onto the ground and moments after, his breathing officially stopped.

Sakura cried out in sadness and hugged him tight. Kakashi watched while having tears in his eyes.

"One of my favorite students is officially gone."

                                        "He's really gone..."

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