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    ~You got my heart...Sakura chan~

Naruto woke up to his alarm clock with a groan.

"Ugh shut up...." He moaned. Two days ago he just came home from a two week long mission. He was about go back to sleep until he remembered why he actually set that alarm clock.

"Oh my God I have a date with Sakura Chan!" Naruto yelled. He jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes and took a quick shower.

"Oh man I'm probably late!" He shouted. He scrubbed the dirt, grime, and sweat off of his body then started to was his hair. After he  rinsed off he turned off the water and grabbed his towel and dried off. He then started to brush his teeth and hair and started to put on his clothes.

"Ah she's gonna be pissed at me!" Naruto yelled once again. He put on his shoes and ran back to his bedroom to check the clock.

"No freakin way...." He said in disbelief. The clock was set an hour early. He remembered setting it early do he won't over sleep. He face palmed.

"Ugh really?" Naruto said. "Well since I'm already ready I guess I could just walk around for now until it's time." He said. He walked outside and the sunny weather hit him instantly. It was spring time in Konoha. Children were playing outside, and cherry blossoms were blooming...

'Sakura chan...' Naruto thought. He blushed at the thought of her name. He's been in love with her ever since the academy days and has never stopped. Sometimes he couldn't explain why or how he fell for her. She has his heart in the palm of his hand.

A smile snuck on his face as he thought about his girlfriend. They have been together since the Fourth Great Ninja War. He was planning on confessing to her but she actually said it while healing his arm. She was crying and blurted it out. It was one of the greatest days of his life.

Naruto chuckled to himself. He walked around the village for a few more minutes until he knew it was time for his date. He walked to Sakura's house with a sweet humming tune and knocked on her door. Not a moment later Sakura came to the door with a smile.

"Hey Naruto you're a bit early this time." She said surprised.

"Y-yeah I guess I am do you want leave a bit later or-" He got cut off.

"No no it's fine this means extra time in the sun." She said.

"Alright let's go." Naruto said while giving his hand out. Sakura blushed and took it. They went to Naruto's favorite ramen stand to eat. After they both got done they decided to walked around the village hand in hand. Soon they found themselves in a field surrounded by cherry blossom trees.

"This so beautiful don't you think?" She asked him.

"Yeah so beautiful...." Naruto said.
'Not as beautiful as you though...' He thought. A breeze blew by them making the already falling cherry blossoms dance in the wind and make more fall. Naruto looked at Sakura and blushed at what he saw.

"Hahaha.." Sakura giggled at the petals dancing around her.

'Beautiful...' Naruto thought. Sakura's hair was blowing with the wind making her look like a goddess.

Naruto blushed and smiled to himself.

"Sakura..." He called her.

"Hmm?" Sakura said. She didn't have time to react to the situation happening right now. Naruto pulled her by her waist and kissed her. Soon she melted into the kids and put her arm around his neck.

PS. the song is called 808 by Tedashiii

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