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                   Study buddy part 2

Sakura straightened up her dorm while Naruto was on his way. They were going to study with each other for their next exams. Sakura actually suggested a group study time to Naruto  and he agreed  to come. Fifteen minutes later, a knock was heard on her door.

"Come in it's unlocked!" She shouted.

Naruto opened the door and walked in her dorm.

"Thanks for helping​ me on the exam Sakura chan." Naruto said with a grin.

"Well I really don't wanna see you fail your last year in college." She laughed. Naruto nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah. I really don't wanna come up short this year." He said.

"Well, let's start." She motioned him to sit on her bed beside her. "Come sit."

Naruto took off his backpack and sat on her bed. He then took out his book and notes on the subject.

"Ok now this is what I don't understand. Since I know you're like a math genius, I thought you would know this." Naruto said showing said problem.

Sakura looked at it and immediately knew what he was talking about.

"Oh these equations almost made me fail my second year. Luckily, I've gotten so much better at this." Sakura then moved closer to Naruto. "Here lemme show you. First you gotta....."

It was kinda hard for Naruto to focus on the math problem. He was so close to the girl he like since he was twelve. How could he learn let alone pass this test?!

'This is the worst idea I've ever had! Why did I think this was gonna work?!' He thought to himself.  'I'm gonna fail! I mean just look at her! Shes so gorgeous. From her beautiful short pink hair to her cute forehead. And those luscious lips....'

"And then you just....hey uh you ok? Your face getting kinda red. And you're getting kinda hot." Sakura said putting her hand against his forehead. Naruto moved away from her touch abruptly and smiled widely.

"No! I-I'm fine! I'm just a little hot because....I was at the uh..gym an hour ago. Plus this jacket!" Naruto said.

"Uh... yeah ok. Anyway, did you hear what I had said? About the five steps?" Sakura asked.

"Uh...um...yeah...?" Naruto said with a nervous smile

Sakura stared at him blankly while he grew more nervous by the second. "You ain't listen to a word I said. Did you." She said.

"I....yeah...sorry Sakura Chan." He said scratching his neck.

"Hey if you don't wanna listen and pass this test then you can go because I do have other things I could be doing instead." Sakura said looking pretty annoyed.

Naruto quickly fixed himself and got serious.

"No no I'm sorry. I was just thinking of something else-"

"Well try and focus please? Remember you're the one wanted help to pass now listen to me please." She said shifting to the edge of the bed.

"Your right. I'll try to focus this time." He said seriously and sat down next to her. "I'm gonna be serious this time."

"Good. Now let's​ start this again." Sakura said and started over.

For two hours, Sakura helped Naruto with his problem and eventually got through to him. It was a challenge for Naruto to focus but he soon put all of that to the side and payed attention. At some point, he finally got the gist of the equation and started doing some example problems.

"Ok what about this one?" He asked as he passed her his notebook.

"Let me see." She said and looked over it while his eyes were glued to he face for a reaction.

"This is good! You got all five if the steps down! And your work is perfect!" Sakura said smiling widely at him.

Naruto smiled big too and thanked her. "Really? Are you serious?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah! You hot all of it correct." Sakura confirmed.


Suddenly, Naruto pulled Sakura in a tight hug and surprisingly, she hugged back just as tight. The hug lingered on then what it was ment for and when they parted, it got way more awkward.

"Ah.....well now I'm confident that you're gonna pass this test..." Sakura said.

"Yeah...thanks to you hehe..." Naruto said.





They sat in an uncomfortable awkward silence until Naruto broke it.

"Welp!" he jumped up and started packing his stuff. "Thanks for uh helping me with this thing. I know you had a busy schedule and I really appreciate that you made time for me Sakura chan." He said trying to make eye contact.

"Yeah of course. I wanna see you succeed and not be a failure. But if you fail this test, you're gonna be buried six feet under." She threatened.

"Haha now I really got a reason not to fail!" He laughed.

Sakura got up and walked him to her door. "I'm serious. Try and pass." She said.

"I will I will. Its nice to know that you care about me." He gushed.

Sakura cheeks got a little pink and put her hands on her hips. "Shut it baka!"

Naruto chuckled and said his goodbyes to her and left. "I'll see you in Monday Sakura chan!" He said walking down the hallway.

"Bye!" She said and closed the door.

'I wonder what Naruto was thinking about. It must have really been important.' Sakura thought to herself. She then plotted on her bed and relaxed for a bit.

Here you go girlies
Edit: so many typos. I swear I'm never writing when I'm tired ever!

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