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Doctor's visit part 4

Ever since that day, Naruto and Sakura have hung out together almost every weekend, which resulted in them becoming close friends. Though they were constantly reminded that Sakura wasn't going to stay for long by the doctor visits and the constant fainting, that didn't stop them from having fun. It also didn't stop Naruto from developing feels for her as well.

"Come on you ready to go now?" Naruto groaned in annoyance. She was once again taking so long with her makeup.

"Hey! It doesn't take five minutes to look this good everyday!"

"It doesn't take one hour either!"

Sakura came out of her bathroom and put on her purse. "Anyways, I'm ready so let's go." She said and walked right passed him.

"Women..." Naruto said shaking his head and followed in suit.

"Oh wow such a beautiful day." Sakura said. She breathed in the cripsed air and breathed out smiling to herself.

"Well I guarantee that you'll love it ten times more when we get to the park." He said slightly pushing her to the car.

"I'm going. I'm going geez." She said and got in the passenger side. Naruto got into the driver's side and drove to the park. He parked the car and the both of them got out to look for a spot to set up.

 He parked the car and the both of them got out to look for a spot to set up

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"What about over here?" Naruto pointed. It was a spot by the lake full of fishes.

"Perfect!" She said and went over there dragging him along. They put down a colorful quilt and sat down and took out the food. Sakura grabbed a turkey sandwich and bit into it. Her eyes widen at the taste.

"Oi did you make this?!"

"Of course."

"It's amazing! I'd never thought a simple sandwich would taste so good!" She said.

"Well I'm glad you like it Sakura chan." Naruto said smiling brightly. He watched her eat his sandwich with admiration in his eyes.

' so cute!'

He was then pulled out of his thoughts by Sakura. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Huh? Oh y-yeah of course!" He said and grabbed a sandwich a bit into it as well. Sakura looked at him with confusion upon her face but pushed it to the side and kept eating.

"I also baked cookies and brought us some fishing rods." Naruto said.

"Oh really? Wow you thought of everything."

"Yeah well you're always the one who had the stuff all planned out and I wanted to do the same this time to show my appreciation."

"Oh well thank you kind sir." She laughed. Naruto just smiled and continued to eat. Sakura finished up her sandwich and got a chocolate chip cookie from the basket

"Let's see how good this taste..." She said and took a bite out of it.

"Well how does it taste? I worked really hard on it!"

Sakura chewed the cookie with discuss. It was awful. All she tasted was salt and dark chocolate.

' How the hell you make salty ass cookies?! How?!'

"It was...something alright." She says giving a fake smile. "Really....something....."

"Are you going to eat the rest?"

' Hell nah!'

"Ah no thanks I'm full now. From the delicious flavor you know heheh."

"Oh ok then." He said and continued onto his second sandwich. As he ate, Sakura started to secretly record him on Instagram putting up filters and uploaded them chuckling to herself.

Naruto then got a notification and looked on Sakura's Instagram story and saw him self eating. He looked up and saw Sakura giggling to herself.


"Yes really. I had an opportunity and I look it hahaha." She laughed. Naruto out his food down and smirked at her.

"Let's see if you can still secretly record me without your phone!" He said and snatched it.

"Hey give to that back!" Sakura said and tried to snatch it back. Naruto put it high up in the air away from her so she couldn't get it which resulted in her grabbing his arm down.

"Give! It!'

"Never hahaha!"

Naruto then got up and stretched his arm even wider. Sakura got up as well was all over her.

"Give me my stuff Naruto!"


"Fine then you asked for it!"


Sakura tackled him to the ground and laid on top of him. She them moved head up and made eye contact with Naruto. They stared at each other with blush forming in their faces for a few moments before Sakura grabbed her phone and and quickly got up off of him.

"I-I told you to give me my phone."

"W-Well yeah but-"

"Anyways, I feel like fishing! You feel like fishing? I sure do feel like fishing! I'll go get the rods haha!" Sakura interrupted and got the keys to the car. "You stay here and watch the food."

"Wait what if you faint again?" Naruto asked. In the past she'd had fainted twice in one day. Ever since that day, Naruto would always FaceTime her everyday to check up on her.

"Oh I'll be fine. It's just up the hill."

"Are you sure."


"Fine. I'll be right here ok?" He said in a worried tone.

"Alright." She said and headed up the hill. He paced back and forth next to the food in worry.

"Calm down Naruto. She'd strong. She can handle a small hill. Yeah."

Ten minutes had past and Naruto started to worry again. So he headed up the hill but he didn't see her.

"Sakura chan! Sakura chan!" He called. He walked around the parking lot and saw a foot two cars down.


He jogged up to the body and fell to his knees.


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