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                                    Part two to
                                               Late night texts

Sakura replied back Naruto and got up to get dressed. It was cold out so she decided to put on a pale green sweater ,some white jeans ,black boots and put on her pink coat. She checked herself in the mirror and fixed her hair before she grabbed her phone and purse then left.

While She walked to the cafe' she noticed how beautiful the lights on the buildings were and how the navy blue sky complements them perfectly.

"Wow it's actually kinda pretty out here in the middle of the night...." She said out loud. Since she graduated from med school a few months ago, she been working nonstop and really hasn't had a chance to go out at night and just enjoy her self. She suddenly got a notification from her phone showing it was Naruto.

"Hey I'm here at the cafe'. Are you close enough or do you want me to come get you?" He texted. Sakura replied "No need to walk my way I'm close enough. I'll be there in two minutes." She then put her phone back in her pocket and continued walking. In just two minutes ,like she said, she was there and walked inside.

"Sakura chan!" Naruto said a little loud. Sakura turned to the left and saw Naruto sitting by the window in back waving at her idiotically

'This idiot I swear...' she thought as she walked towards him.

"You didn't have to tell my name like that to get my attention. You're easy to spot you know." Sakura said.

"Heh s-sorry Sakura chan." Naruto said while scratching his neck awkwardly.

"So uh how have you've been since the last time I saw you?" Naruto asked. It's been a little over eight months since they actually "seen" each other ever since Sakura got a promotion that requires her to travel to heal a lot of patients.

"Well I've been fine. I'm loving my promotion. Ah how about you?" She said.

"I'm still training to be the next hokage Lady Tsunade and Kakashi-sensei and they're saying that I'm making more and more improvement everyday.And besides that, everything at the office seems fine."

"Oh I'm glad you're improving your leadership skills because they were horrible at first." Sakura giggled. "I mean honestly Naruto did you actually think during those few times Kakashi let you take charge for a day?"

"Hey don't make fun of me! Let's not forget when you couldn't even stick a patient for the first half as a medical student." Naruto shot back.

Sakura laughed​ a little bit louder and harder than before. This is actually the first time she's laughed like this since she last saw Naruto which was a month ago.

"True true." She said calming down. She looked at Naruto with a wide smile while he did the same ,but their staring contest didn't last long when the waitress interrupted them.

"Well you two are up late. My name is Akira and I will be your waitress for tonight-well this morning. What would you two like?"

"Oh uh I'm sorry we didn't even get to look at the menus because we were so into our conversation. I don't want any food but can I get some coffee?" Naruto said.

"Me too please." Sakura chinned in.

"Alright I'll be right back with your coffee shortly." Akira said and walked off.

"So uh....Where were we?" Sakura asked with a smirk. He smiled back.

For about an hour and a half, over coffee and surprisingly ramen, Naruto and Sakura talked and laughed about the things that happened while they were absent from each other's lives. They talked about the challenges of their job and how they never get to see each other. Naruto never brought up what was wrong with her and Sakura was glad. He knew that she was happy at the moment and didn't want to mess her mood up. He wanted her to cherish this moment if time like he is.

"Yeah so know I'm in the top position for a senior surgeon." She concluded.

"That's amazing Sakura chan! I always thought that you'd be the best!" He said.

Sakura blushed a little while looking down at her know empty cup of coffee. "Thanks Naruto. I'm happy to know that you had faith in me , but don't count your self out. I remember the first time I heard your dream of becoming homage when we were twelve and I know I didn't act like it but I did believe in you becoming one and look at you now. You're in training with our former teacher on being a great leader of a great village. You've worked hard and I think you deserve regonized for it." She said.

"I....thank you Sakura chan. I really appreciate your words." Naruto said while blushing.

'Did she actually just praise me!? I must be dreaming! ' He thought to himself.

Sakura looked at the time on her phone and was surprised at how long they were talking. "Oh snap I didn't know we talked this long." She said and showed the time to Naruto.

"Geez it's almost five o'clock in the morning..." He mumbled. "I guess this is what happens when you lose track of time talking to someone close huh?" He chuckled.

Sakura looked back up at him from her phone and smirked at him. "I guess so huh."

"Well," He said as he was getting up. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah just let me pay for-" she got cut off by him.

"No no I'll pay for it." He insisted.

"But I thought you said that you didn't have any money?" Sakura said while putting her hands on her hips.

"I went to an ATM before I got here so you wouldn't have to pay because." He sat the money plus the tip on the table and then turned to her. "That'll be wrong of me to let you pay for something you didn't suggest."

"Oh is someone growing up?" Sakura said while giggling.

"Yeah I guess you can say that." Naruto said while smiling cheekily.

They both left out the cafe' laughing together and eventually leaving to go their separate ways.

Meanwhile in the background, Akira was listening and smiling the whole time at how cute they are. It was obvious that they kinda like each other. More on the boy though.

'They would make the loveliest couple. I hope they realize that soon enough.' She thought to herself and continued to get the cafe' ready for the morning.

Hey guys, should I change the cover of this story or not? Comment below please. I'm sorry if it looks suckish.

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