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"Where are we going Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked. He was blindfolded and being pulled by his newly wedded wife Sakura.

"You'll see. Now stop asking questions!" she said.

"I can't help it. I'm curious. I'm a curious person." He smiled.

"I know." Sakura sighed. "Anyways, we're here! Here let me help." Sakura unwrapped the blindfolded and put it in her pocket.

Naruto rubbed his eyes and slightly opened them only to be in awe of what he saw. "What is this?!"

"Surprise! We're stargazing tonight!" she excitedly said.

"I've never seen these kinds of stars before... Are these constellations?"

"Yeah! There's the big Dipper, the little Dipper, Serpens Caput, Sirius, Banard's star, etc."

"How did you-"

"You told me. Well not exactly. Remember when you were saying that you didn't know what constellations were the other day? Well lucky for you, I know the perfect spot to see the popular ones in this area. I thought I'd take you as date night. You like?" Sakura explained.

"I...thank you Sakura-chan! You're the best!" He said and gave her a huge hug.

"It was nothing hehe. Let's lay down. Here I got us a blanket to lay down on." She said. Sakura gave him the blanket and stood to the side as he unfolded and laid it out. Once laid out properly, they both laid on their backs and looked to the sky.

"Since you seen constellations before, do you know about all of them?" Naruto asked.

"Not all of them." Sakura giggled. "But I'm pretty decent in the knowledge department."

"You're so cool.." he complemented.

Sakura blushed a little at his complement and tried to minimize it. "I'm not that cool. I just know these things."

"But you are! I'm pretty sure nobody I know knows the constellations you just named." He reassured.

"I-I guess."

Naruto shot her a warm smile and looked back into the sky. He saw an unfamiliar star pattern and pointed at it. "Oi Sakura-chan, what's that? It looks like a dog..."

Sakura looked to where he was pointing and slightly smiled. "A dog? That's Canis Major I believe."

"And that one?" He pointed at another.


"Wait zodiac signs are constellations too?"

"Yeah. I was surprised too once I found out."

"Oh. Ok well...what's that?"

Sakura looked to the other spot and got confused. "Naruto that's just a star."

"Hmm no it's not." He disagreed.

Sakura sat up and and looked at him as if he was crazy. "Naruto there's nothing there. I know these things."

"Are you sure about that Sakura-chan?" Naruto questioned. Sakura raised her eyebrows at him and scoffed. Naruto looked over at her , having a playful smile upon his lips. "Come here I'll show what I see."

Sakura rolled her eyes and scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around her body. "What is it that you see."

"I see two sparkly eyes, an equally sparkly smile as wide as and beautiful as the see, and medium length hair." He described.

"You see me..." she said.

"Do you see now?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah..." replies Sakura.

"You know what else I see?"

Sakura looked back at him in curiosity. "...what?"

"I see our future together. I see us staying together for a very long time. I see a very loving relationship. What do you see?"

"Yeah I see it. I see us having children. I see our children having children. I see us having wonderful, huge family together."

"You know when I said I used to stargaze when I was smaller, I used to do this. Just connect the dots to make it something I imagined in my head. It was one of my favorite things to do."

"Oh really? I didn't know."

"Well you know now." Naruto said. He smiled at Sakura and smiled back. He kisses her forehead and then goes for a kiss on the lips. The kiss deepens before they break apart and look back into the sky.

"This was a nice first date as a married couple huh?" Sakura asked.

"Eh it's was alright." He joked.

"Oh why you!" She said turning to him and quickly sitting up.

Naruto sat up as well and waved hus hands back and forth. "W-Wait I was kidding Sakura-chan!' He said in a nervous manner.

"...Better be..."

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