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Shinachiku came downstairs looking upset while holding his head down. He headed towards his mother who was currently reading one of her medical books.

"Momma?" He whined. Sakura put her book down a little and saw Shinachiku leaning on her right leg.

"Yes Shina chan?" Sakura said.

"My head hurts." Shinachiku said. Sakura looked back into her medical paying little attention to him.

"Aw how bad dies it hurt?" She asked him.

"Really bad." He replied making a sad face. Sakura looked over at him chuckled a little at his face.

'He's so adorable.' She thought. Sakura put down her medical book completely and got up to go to the medicine cabinet. She got the headache liquid medicine and poured some in to the provided little cup.

"Ok Shina chan here is some medicine that'll make you feel better." Sakura said.

"But momma I don't want to take that nasty medicine." He whined.

"Shinachiku come here." She said I'm a somewhat stern voice. Shinachiku sighed heavily and entered the kitchen dragging himself.

"It's not even that bad besides I got the grape flavored one." Sakura said.

"Ok momma as long as it's not the nasty cherry one." Shina said. She poured the medicine in his mouth and when he got done, she poured it out and our the stuff back up.

"You're right momma it didn't taste that bad." Shinachiku said.

"I know now come on that medicine will help you fall asleep." She said and got his left hand and guided him to the char. She sat down and then grabbed Shinachiku and put him in her lap.

"You want me to sing to you?" Sakura asked. Shinachiku just nodded already tired.

"Ok." Sakura cleared her throat and then staeted singing.

    You are my sunshine my only

sunshine .

You make me happy when skies are


You'll never know dear, how much I

love you.

Please don't take my sunshine

                               away .

Sakura looked down at her child. He was fast asleep in her lap. She put her fingers through his hair a little and smiled.

'I'm so glad I took this off day.'

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