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                          Cold season

"Naruto it's time for your medicine!" Sakura shouted from his bathroom. Naruto had gotten himself sick with a cold while he was trying to train and now Sakura had to take of him for almost a whole week now.

"Ugh. I don't want that nasty medicine." He said putting the pillow over his face.

Sakura walked in with the medicine in the clear plastic cup and sat next to him.

"Sit up so you can take this." She said.

"I'll pass." Naruto quickly said.

"Baka if you don't take this damn medicine-" Sakura said getting annoyed quickly.

"I would rather die a slow and painful death than drink that toxic thing." He muffled through the pillow.

"That can be arranged." She said in a terrifying tone.

Naruto quickly sat up and removed the pillow from he face. "Ugh. Lets just get this over with." He grumbled.

"So childish.... Open wide." She said and poured it down his throat. As soon as she pulled away, he stated coughing and making disgusting expressions.

"I die inside every time I take that ugh!" He said.

"Well that's your fault." Sakura said walking away to put up the medicine.

"How is the taste my fault?!" Naruto shouted.

"If you wouldn't have trained outside so much during flu season, you wouldn't be sick and not take the medicine." She says coming back.

"I-yeah that's my fault huh." He said scratching the back of his head.

"You think? Now move over so I can lay here with you." She said. Naruto moved over and she laid next to him facing him.

"In all seriousness Sakura Chan, thanks for taking care of me.

"You're welcome. I mean who else was gonna nurse you back to health?"

"Yeah.... Hey aren't you gonna get sick if you lay next to me like this?" He asked.

Sakura rolled her eyes at him. "Naruto, I'm a world-class medical ninja. I don't get sick." She said.

"Then you won't mind if I do... this!" Naruto said as he attacked her face with kisses while Sakura giggled at his antics. After he stopped, she cuddled up next to him and soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

                   ~Two weeks later~

"You baka! Why did you have to get me sick!" Sakura said throwing a pillow at Naruto.

"No don't Blane this on me! You said ,and I quote, 'I'm a world-class medical ninja! I don't get sick!' " Naruto said.

"Pfft whatever...." She mumbled.

"Exactly. Now open wide, it's time for your medicine." He cheekily said.

"Why me..." She complained.

Naruto sat down next to her on her bed. "Hey, if I had to take it, you will too." He said with a smirk. "Now open wide..."

"Damnit. Fine..." Sakura grumbled and opened wide. Naruto poured the medicine down her throat and pulled away as she stated to make ugly expressions.

"Damn this is nasty! Ugh!" She complained.

"Well that's your fault for cuddling with me." Naruto said. He was enjoying this.

"When I pass this sickness, I'm going to give a beat down during a training session...." She said glaring at him while he nervously laughed.

Well, I'm officially back in business guys!

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