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                      Fire escape

Come on the sales only last one day!" Ino said while dragging Sakura behind her.

"Stop pulling on me so hard!" Sakura shouted.

"Ok! We're here anyways!" Ino said dropping her grip from Sakura's left arm.

"Thank God..." She trailed off. They both walked inside the clothing store. Ino saw light pink flowy shirt dress and grabbed it to showed it to Sakura.

"Hey isn't this cute?"

"Very. But I thought you didn't like pink on you? You said it kinda makes your face a little chubby which doesn't makes sense by the way."

"Yeah this isn't for me. It's for you! I mean you already suit pink perfectly! I mean iust look at that hair! So pretty!"

"Uh huh well while the color is cute, the design....yeah that's ugly as shit."

"Rude! But you right it is kinda ugly. That's why I'm gonna buy it for you." Ino jokingly said.

"Nah cause if you buy that thing for me", Sakura looked around and spotted some black jeans with brown fur patches on the sides and back and grabbed it. "I'll buy this for you!" Sakura jokingly said.

The two girls started to laugh and argue but got interrupted by an alarm going off in the store.

"What is that?" Ino asked.

"I don't know..." Sakura replied.

Attention all shoppers and employees, this is not a drill. There is a fire that has broken out in the building so please go to your emergency exits in orderly fashion. And please, don't use elevators.

Sakura and Ino looked at each other and dropped everything they had and headed for an emergency exit near them. Unfortunately, they were near a bunch of unruley people and were separated from each other. Ino was all the way up front while Sakura was in the back trying to keep up but it was useless. The emergency stairwell was too crowded.

"Ino! Damnit! I'll have to go to the fire escape." she concluded and pushed through people to find the emergency fire escape.

"There!" she pointed. She saw a man already there trying to open the door.

"It's no use the door is jammed!" the man said.

"Damnit! The smoke is starting to spread!" She said as he looked around. The smoke was starting to get thick in the air so she'd have to act fast. "Let me try to bust it down!" she pushed the man away and slams her shoulder into the door.

"I don't think-"

"Got it!"


"Come on let's go!" Sakura grabbed his arm and pulled him out the door. She pulled him to the end of the left side.

"How did you break that door open?!" the man asked.

"Ah I pushed my shoulder-"

"No no not like that. Like your strength. You're really strong!" He complemented. "Bye the way, I'm Uzumaki Naruto."

"Uh thanks Naruto, I'm Haruno Sakura."

"Thanks for saving my ass back there. I would probably be dead if it wasn't for you hehe" Naruto said.

"Oh no problem. I probably would've been dead if I didn't see you near the exit. So in a way, you kinda saved my life as well." Sakura said.

"Hehe I guess you can say that huh." He said while scratching the back of his head. "Anyways, have any idea how the fire started?"

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