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"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Naruto said aloud. "When did it get so rainy?!" While looking for a dry place, he came across a booth surrounded by a garden. It looked like someone was already in it but he didn't care at that particular moment. All he wanted was to get to dry place. He ran up to the booth and opened it, not paying attention to the person in there.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you on the phone for anything I just needed a dry...." At that moment, Naruto looked up and saw the last person he wanted to see.

"Hello Naruto..."


Naruto cleared his voice and finished what he had to say. "Uh place. A dry place just until the rain stops."

"I wasn't on the phone so your fine. I was trying to find a place to stay dry as well." She explained.

"Oh wow. What a coincidence that we'd both end up here." He awkwardly said.


Silence grew between the pair. Only the relaxing sound of the rain outside filled their ears. The atmosphere was very tense and awkward between the two and the silence wasn't make it any better. So before they suffered anymore, Sakura spoke up.

"So how have you been these last few months?"

"Fine. Just got a new job so I've been training." He briefly said.

"New job?"

"Yeah. I don't work at the mall anymore so."

"Oh ok. Where do you work now?"

"Ah a Cafe. It's new so you wouldn't know..." He said. He was trying not to talk to her too much. They haven't talk in months since the incident. And that's something he'd rather not remember.

"I might know the place. What's the name?" She asked.

"Yeah I don't think you do..." He said in a cold like manner.


Awkward silence grew between the two once again. The air was getting more and more tense between the two. Eventually, it grew too much for Sakura and so she spoke again. Not about work, but about the incident.

"Naruto we haven't spoken in a while-three months to be exact- about what happened. I can tell you're still affected but it." She said.

"I told you that last time to not talk to me about it. ...Why are you bringing it up? Like I told you before, I don't want to hear anything about what happened or why it happened." Naruto demanded. He didn't want to look at her, not even in her direction, because if he did, he'd have to talk about it. And so, he avoided eye contact with her and instead looked to his side and the outside.

"But we need to! It's been long enough!" She shouted showing her growing frustration.

"Oh please!" He scoffed. "I gave you a chance and all you did was look down and cry like you always do! Didn't say anything and just let him put his arm around you and we all know what that means."

"You're right, I did do that and that was my mistake and I'm sorry, but it wasn't all my fault! You're partly to blame!" She shouted.

"Me?! Me?!" he shouted back now looking straight at her. "You're the one who made the decision to cheat on me behind my back! You made the decision to slept with your secretary multiple times! That was all you!"

"What was I supposed to do? Wait at your beck and call?! Hell no! You were barely paying any attention to me! You barely touched me, kissed me, hell you didn't even say bye or leave me any cute messages like you used to! While you were busy, somebody else was paying attention! Somebody else was doing everything you didn't anymore!"

"So me not paying attention to you for a moment suddenly makes you want you cheat?!"

"It wasn't a moment Naruto! It was a whole eight months! Eight months of you barely being at home! Those eight months felt like centuries!"

"What did you want me to do? Huh? Magically make all my paperwork go away? Quit my job? Just to pay you some...some attention?"

"No! I just....I just wanted to hear your voice. At least call. I didn't want you to quit your job or anything but..." She said trailing off. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. "I needed you and you weren't there. During that time I was....in a dark place and you weren't there for me because you were too busy but he was. He sat with me, called me, complemented me.... He was one of the only people I could talk to at the time. The only person...that understood..."

"So you fell for him."

"I...I guess so..."

Silence plague Naruto's lips once again now looking at the pouring rain again. Sakura , stray tears falling down her face one by one, waited patiently for him to speak. After a few more minutes, Naruto ,this time, spoke up.

"Sakura do have any idea how I felt that day? How embarrassing it was to find out your fiance was cheating on you with their secretary for two months? How painful it was to find out three weeks before the wedding day? Do you have any idea? Hm?" He asked her.


"No. I let you speak so now you're going to hear me." Naruto said still staring off into space.

"You know I was planning on taking you out to dinner that day? That's why I surprised you at the hospital. I finished up some paperwork earlier than expected and realized that I haven't been spending as much time with you as I would like. So I made reservations at the place where we first met. Do you remember?" He asked?

"...I remember..." She replied.

"So I go up to the front desk about to ask to go see you but I spot Shizune. So I go up to her and after I called out to her, she looks at me with this look. I remember it so clearly... She had this look of shock mixed with pity. I noticed it at the time but I just brushed it off but if only I knew." He chuckled. Tears were starting to form in his eyes now.

While he was retelling the story, Sakura looked to him crying more and more as he went on in the story.

"I asked her what room you're located in because I remembered you had told me way back that you moved to another location that was bigger than your old one."

Sakura was in shock of what he just said. She thought he wasn't paying attention to her when she told him about that. Since he only hummed in response, she assumed.

"So she tells me and I rush up there. As I was getting closer, I thought back to we met you know? I thought about how we got stuck on a rollercoaster as a first date. I thought about our first kiss. And then I thought back to the proposal." said Naruto. His tears were starting to flow and his voice was shaking and cracking. "It almost brought me to tears thinking back you know? Thinking back to the good times?"

"I know..." Sakura said with a quiet and shaky voice.

"So I take a breath and I plaster a huge smile upon my face and I open the double doors only to see you on top of your secretary sweaty and half naked!" He shouted with his still shakey voice.

He locked eyes with Sakura and they were full of hurt and anger. "How could you do that to me? To us?" He cried.

"I'm sorry!" She cried. "I'm sorry that I hurt you so much! I didn't mean to! But it happened! I can't change that." Sakura said. "Believe me if I could change what I did, I would."

Naruto and Sakura stood from the opposite of one another crying because it was all they could do. Just cry.

Naruto took a breath and looked directly at her and shot her Ann empty smile. "And you what the fucked up thing is?"

Sakura looked up and locked eyes with him.

"I still love you."

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