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" Move out of the way!" Naruto shouted as he pushed past the civilians coming from the train station; dragging his luggage from behind. He looked down at his apple watch for a split second to check the time.


"Only two minutes left? ....Fuck it!" Naruto decided he'd try to catch the train. He was fast enough.

Well, he thought he was.

About time he got there, the train was already halfway down the tracks.

"Shit! Iruka is going to kill me!" He shouted. Naruto took a deep breath to try and calm himself down. That's when he realized that there was another train coming tomorrow.

"Thank Kami. I'll just have buy some more tickets and tell Iruka I'll be there a bit later for Christmas. Hopefully, they aren't already sold out." He said aloud as he searched his phone for more tickets. As he searched, he spotted an empty bench next to him and sat down. A few minutes later, he finally found some tickets still in stock. At least three more.

"Here we are..." He mumbled as he digitally paid for it. 'Now that's done, let me call Iruka..' As he dialled, he heard the clicking of heels and at least two luggages slamming on the ground. The person abruptly stopped right next to Naruto, looking over the empty train tracks.

Naruto looked over in curiosity and almost had his entire breath taken away. His eyes widened as he gazed in awe and fondness at the odd beauty. He slowly checked her out from the top of her intriguing hair color, all the way down to those long slender legs. It was as if it was his first time seeing a beautiful woman. Ever.

"Damnit. Did I miss the train?" She spoke softly. He blushed hearing her voice. He didn't know why but...it was something about this woman that made him feel so...timid.

He realized that he was staring a bit too long and the thought of her noticing made him blush even more so he quickly turned his attention back to his phone constipating if he should call now or attempt to talk to the young woman.

'If I talk to her, I risk saying something stupid to her. That always happens to me and girls. What luck.' he thought. 'But then again, there's a chance that I don't say anything stupid and it all goes well!'

"True.." he mumbled. But what could he say?

'I could say something about her hair? No she'll think I'm rude! Maybe where she's going? But then she'll think I'm a creep! Oh! I could-'

"Excuse me." The stranger spoke pulling Naruto out of deep thought.

"Y-Yes?" He stuttered. 'Damnit.' he cursed himself.

"Did the eleven o'clock train leave already?" She asked.

"Um yes-"

"Fuck!" She cursed.

"Ah i missed the train as well-"

"Oh yeah? How's that info going to help me?" She said a little annoyed.

"W-Well, there's still at least two tickets left for this route for tomorrow."

"Really?!" Her eyes instantly lit up.


"Yeah, I just bought my ticket."

The pink haired beauty released a sigh of relief and sat down next to Naruto, leaving space between them both.

"...Thanks for telling me even though I kind of snapped on you back there. I'm just... stressed you now? I'm sorry."

"It's ok hehe. It's a stressful world." He reassured her, making eye contact with her. She was even more beautiful up close. Her emerald colored eyes sparkled in the night. Her bob perfectly framed her face and that headband made her even more beautiful. He found himself staring again and darted away, breaking eye contact. The young woman smiled and laid back now admiring the scenery.

"My name is Sakura by the way."

"Sakura...such a beautiful name..." He said unknowingly.

"Oh! Um thanks." Sakura sheepishly said.

"The name's Naruto." He looked back at her.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Naruto." Sakura held out her hand for him to shake. Naruto looked over a little surprised and slowly pull out his hand to shake hers.

"It was nice meeting you as well." He smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you planning to go? B-But you don't have to answer it."

"Nah it's ok. I was planning on going to this village called Konoha, the leaf village, for a business trip."

"What a coincidence! I was headed there too." He said.

"Oh really?" She leaned into her palms feeling intrigued. This action made her look more beautiful than before to Naruto, which caused him to a pink shade to cover his cheeks once again.

"Y-Yeah. I uh grew up there. I'm just over here for business as well." He explained.

"You know, your face is really red for some reason, are you ok?" Sakura asked , genuinely concerned. She attempted to touch his forehead but he grasped her hand instead.

"N-No. I'm fine..it's just uh...the cold weather. My skin reacts to it like that hehe. "He sheepishly explained. He then quickly realized he was holding her hand and quickly let go.

"S-Sorry. That was weird-"

"Mmm not really. You just acted upon reflex. Sorry about that though. It's a habit I've developed being a doctor and all." She explained.

"Oh you're a doctor?"

"Yes-well doctor in training. That's one of the reasons why I was supposed to be gone by now but I overslept and here I am. Sitting on this cold ass bench instead of on that train."

"Sorry about that..."

"Yeah me too. But it's not all that bad. I mean, I met you didn't I?"

Naruto was taken aback by her words and pointed at himself. "You're happy to meet...me? Like me me? Are you sure you're ok?" He asked.

Sakura giggled which caused Naruto's stomach to be filled with butterflies. She was so... perfect in his eyes. He never felt this way about anyone, let alone a stranger. Could this be a sign?

"Yeah I mean, you're nice and a little funny to me. Plus, you did tell me there's other tickets, which reminds me, I have to go and buy my tickets." She explained standing up and grabbing at her luggage.

"Oh! Y-Yeah thanks., And you're welcome! I...have to go home as well. Maybe we can meet tomorrow? Ah the ticket I chose is the 11 AM time."

"Depends, is there another 11 AM ticket?" She asked.

"Actually," he looked back at his  phone. "there's one more left." Naruto confirmed.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow. I'd love to talk to you more." She gave him a smile, picked up her luggages, and went on in the opposite direction.

As soon as she was out of sight, Naruto did a mini victory dance before heading for the same direction.

'Well. That went well.' He mumbled as a smile crept upon his face. 'Really well.'

Surprised! And we back and in business! I'm still a little rusty but I hope you guys like it

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