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           ~Breaking up is hard to do~

"What is wrong with me." Sakura asked herself. She was currently walking down the cold and snowy street of Konoha. It was in the middle of January. The coldest month of all.

She was currently heading over to her boyfriend nine months Naruto's house. Usually it would be for a good reason bit this time it's different.

'Why can't I love him they way he deserves to be loved?' She asked herself. 'Ugh I'm such an idiot!'

Sakura stopped when she saw his small apartment right infront of her. "Ok Sakura...stay strong...it's for the best." She said. She took a big breath and headed to the door and knocked on it. Shuffling was heard before the door opened with a smile.

"Oh hey Sakura chan!" Naruto said with a cheery tone.

Sakura smiled weakly at him. "Hey Naruto." She said lowly. 'God I'm gonna miss that smile.'

Naruto noticed the sudden sadness in her voice and smile and asked her what's wrong. "Hey are you ok?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah I'm fine um can we sit down I... I really need to talk to you." She said.

"Um sure." He said and stepped aside and let her in.

"Do you want some hot chocolate or something?" He asked.

"No thanks I won't be here long." Sakura said. She sat down on his navy blue couch and Naruto did the same.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" He asked her.

"Well uh...um...." She trailed off.

"Ok now you're starting to sound like Hinata haha." He chuckled. He soon stopped when he noticed her eyes were watering up.

"Sakura chan....?" Hg e said with concern. The next thing he knew, Sakura had tears falling down her face while keeping a straight face.

"I'm so sorry Naruto...I don't deserve the kind of love you give me on a daily basis." She said shakily.

"What are you tal-" Naruto got cut off by her shouting.

"I don't love you as much as you love me ok!" She shouted. "I love you so much and it's the kind of love that you know you can last forever with but a small part of me feels guilty because... because I still have a small part of feelings for Sasuke!" Sakura said

Naruto was speechless. He couldn't believe what she was saying.

"That's why I think we should take a bre-" She gets cut off by Naruto.

"How long have you felt this way." He said with his eyes watering a bit.

".....Ever since you brought him back to the village." She said.

"So you've been lying to me for a month?" He said and looked straight in her eyes. "Were all those 'I love yous' and kisses...fake?" Naruto asked.

"No no no they weren't fake I truly felt those feelings!" Sakura said.

"Then I don't understand!" He shouted at her while he got up. She got up as well.

"How do you think I feel Naruto?" Sakura looked at him straight in the eyes. "It's like I want to be with you and love you so much until the end of time but that old part of me is just.. just-"

"Keeping you from moving on." Naruto interrupted.

"Yes." Sakura said. They stayed in silence for a good five minutes before Naruto spoke up.

"I...I think this break will be good for us...most notably you because you need to figure out if you want to love me and be with me or not because I'm not gonna wait forever for you." He said.

"I think so too. " She agreed. Sakura took a step forward and cupped his face in both of her hands but he shook it off softely. Sakura smiled sadly at him.

"I'm sorry Naruto...I'll see you later ok?" And left for the door. Naruto just stood in silence while tears flowed down his face.

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