And for the last time...

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Thank you.

Thank you guys so much for following me, reading my stories, voting, commenting, etc. This has been a long journey getting here to 100k reads. I'm so grateful to you all.

With that being said, I have an announcement.

I will not be posting on my Wattpad account anymore. It was fun while it lasted but after some time, it got a bit boring. Not to mention the fact that the site got hacked and all of our personal info got leaked and sold on forms. But anyways...

After I finish my last story , A Second Chance, I won't be active. Maybe not as much. Maybe I'll post a little story on here from my other accounts on other writing sites from time to time which are

Archive our own link: link:

I won't deactivate because I want you guys and others to enjoy theses stories. But again, thank you guys reading. In the meantime, you can catch-up on my latest story, A Second Chance and if you already have, updates will soon be uploaded.

Have a good rest of the day and once again, thank you for 100k.

Narusaku drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now