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"Oh hey you made it." Sakura said as she turned to look at him.

"Of course I made it Sakura chan." Naruto said and sat down in front of her.

"Thanks for coming....I uh needed someone to vent to." She said as she looked else where.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

"It's...Sasuke...." She said.

'Of course.' Naruto thought. "What did he do this time?" He asked her.

"He didn't do anything today but in general.....it's like he doesn't care... at one minute and does the next minute. His feelings is too random for me and I don't know how much longer I can take that." Sakura vented.

Naruto just nodded his head.

"I love him but I want him to care for me all the time and not just at random times. And it's like he doesn't want to let me in and instead keeps me at arms length. And I know you two are very close to each other, more than me to him, so I just don't know why he'll let you in but not me. What am I I doing wrong Naruto?"

Naruto hated that she felt this way. And how she always thinks she's doing her part in the relationship all wrong. Sure there are times where she does too much but hes seen their relationship first hand and to be honest, she's the perfect girlfriend. Too bad that she's not his though

"I get where you're coming from, but I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I mean you occasionally go a bit overboard but you are not the problem. You're probably the most perfect girlfriend I've ever seen." Naruto said.

Sakura leaned back in her seat. "Really you think I am?" She said.

"Yeah I mean you're smart, kind, caring, awesome personality, beautiful..." Naruto trailed off.

Sakura started to blush at his complements. Sasuke had never complemented her like this. In fact, he's never complemented her at all.

Naruto hesitantly stretched out and gasped her hand. "I think it's a shame that he doesn't see that..." He said while looking straight into her eyes. Sakura started back with a deep red blush on her cheeks.

Soon, they broke eye contact. They pulled back their arms and it soon fell into an awkward silence. "Uh y-yeah..." Sakura said while looking down.

"Yeah...." Naruto said while looking everywhere else except her as Sakura did the same.

"Well uh thanks again for letting me vent to you." Sakura said as she got up.

"You're welcome." He said as he got up as well. "I'll always be here for you."

"Well....I'll....see you tomorrow." She said and hugged him tightly as he hugged back. The hug lingered more than what it was supposed to at that moment, it seemed like they didn't mind.

"See you later Sakura chan." Naruto said while waving back to her.

'Maybe I am doing something wrong.....' Sakura thought.

Idk what this is. But thanks to My_smile_went_insane it turned out to be something.

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