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                Internet friends part 1

Sakura patiently waited for that fateful notification to appear upon her phone screen. She'd been staring at her phone for at least ten minutes now. Her friends TenTen and Ino looked at each other in confusion.

"Why the hell is she just... staring bat her phone?" TenTen asked.

"Girl she's been like this since this morning. Shes waiting for her 'internet bae' to reply back." Ino answered.

" 'Internet bae'?"

"Really it's just a friend on the internet but I just call him 'internet bae'. They've been talking since January."

"Five months?!" TenTen asked in surprise. "Have they met yet?"

"Nope. They fell for each other and they won't even see each other. And you know the sad part about all this?"


"They live in the same neighborhood, go to the same college, and stay on the same campus."

"Oh wow."

"Just tragic."

"You know I can hear you two right? Like you're not even whispering." Sakura said in annoyance.

"Well it's the truth I mean..." Ino trailed off.

"Anyways! Why haven't you guys met yet? I mean from what Ino has told me, you guys are literally so close. Like you probably see each other on a daily basis." TenTen sad.

"I guess I'm just nervous? Like we have this connection that I've never felt with anybody I've ever liked you know? It's just that...I'm afraid I'll mess things up? I don't know." Sakura explained.

"You are not going to mess things up and so isn't this 'internet bae'. You've been talking for five months straight. I think it's time you two meet up."TenTen concluded.

Ino shook her head in agreement. Sakura looked at both of her best friends. She sighed and and shook her head in agreement as well. "Fine. I'll text him right now."

Ino and TenTen high fived each other while Sakura rolled her eyes at their foolishness. She unlocked her phone and got into their chat room.

'Here goes nothing...' She pulled up her keyboard and started typing.

'Hey It's me! Of course you already know that but uh... we've been talking for a few months now and I think it's time we meet...up? We don't have to if you don't want to but since we're so close to each other, we might as well talk face to face instead of screen to screen you know? Uh let me know whenever you get this. Ok bye!' Send.

"Ok let us see!" TenTen said snatching Sakura's phone.


"Hush!" Ino said and read the text. Sakura once again rolled her eyes and waited on her friends to finish reading.

"Aww this is cute." TenTen be cooed. "Does he answer back early?"

"Yes most of the time." She answered. "Why?"

"Because he just answered back. Just now." Ino said. Sakura's eyes almost burst out of their socket s and snatched her phone so fast from her friends.



Sakura paid no mind to them and focused on the reply.

' Hey Sakura-chan! I think it'll be awesome to meet up! I've actually wanted to do this for awhile but I didn't know how you'd take it so I didn't ask.... But I'm so glad that you asked me first! When and where?'

"What does it say?!" Ino yelled.

"H-He wants to meet up!"

All three girls squealed in excitement.

"What else did he say?!" Ino asked.

"He said that he's been wanting to meet up for awhile now and didn't know how I'd take it so he waited! Also, he wants to know when and where!"

They girls once again squealed and danced around in Sakura's living room.

"Ok ok ok! So when and where?!" TenTen asked.

"I don't know! I need help!"

"Wait what about the park?" Ino suggested.

"Nah it's too hot." She turned down.

"Well what about the.....Cafe?" TenTen suggested

"Nah too cliche." She turned that down as well.

"The mall?" Ino said as a last resort.

"Yes! Perfect!" Sakura typed her phone when and where to meet up and sent it. A minute later, he replied back.

"What did he say?" TenTen asked.

"He said he'll see me tomorrow at twelve and that he can't wait!" Sakura replied.

"Ugh this is going to be so cute!" Ino squealed.

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