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                 New year's Eve party

It's so cold out today." Sakura mumbled coming down the steps. "Well it is December so..."

Sakura turned on the lights in her kitchen and opened the cereal cabinet which revealed three different cereal boxes "Which will it be? Lucky charms? Ate you yesterday. Honey nut Cheerios? Nah. Froot Loops it is. She said and fixed herself a bowl.

'Wonder what's the weather for today?' She thought and turned on the TV and sat down.

" We'll have more on the developing story later. And now on to the weather."

"Yes the weather for New year's Eve is expected to be surprisingly in the high thirties low forties."

'Well that solves that.' Sakura thought band continued to watch the news until she was done with her breakfast. She put the bowl in the sink and sat back down and started scrolling through Twitter. But suddenly a text cane up.

" Wonder what Ino wants." She mumbled and opened the text.

'Hey Sakura remember that New year's Eve party is tonight! You promised to come so don't bail on me!"

'Oh yeah. The party." She said and sighed. She didn't even promise her that she would go. Well she kind of did but was actually tricked into it.

Sakura picked up her phone face level and started typing a reply.

'Oh yeah I almost forgotten all about that. Why do I have to come? You know parties really aren't my forte...' She pressed send and a minute later there was a reply.

'Um you literally promised me last week you'll come so...' Imo replied.

'Yeah about that., I was tricked into that so that does count as a real promise.'

'Doesn't matter! You said you were coming!' Sakura sighed in defeat.

'Fine fine. What's the attire anyways?'

'Its dressy/casual. And it starts at 8 tonight.'

'Alright I'll see you there.' She replied and tossed her phone to the side.

"I really don't wanna come to this party..." She complained. "Might as well come though. I sure don't have anything better to do. And I guess it could be fun." As she was getting up, her phone started to ring. Sakura looked over and saw the ID.

"Naruto? Wonder what he wants." She said and picked up.


"Hey Sakura chan! Happy New year's Eve!"

"Happy New year's Eve to you too? Wassup?"

"Uh nothing really. I was just wondering if you were going to the party at Ino's place."

"Oh I am. I have to. Apparently I promised her I would be there."

"Oh really?"

"Well not really m I was tricked into promising."

"Haha how'd that happen?"

"She was talking about something and I wasn't really paying attention to her because I was trying to watch something right?  She knew I wasn't so she took that time to try and talk me to death until I told her I promise so I could watch what I wanted to watch." She explained.

Naruto laughed loudly which caused her to slightly smile.

"Hahaha she really can be manipulative huh."

"I know right? He uh Naruto, since you asked me, are you planning on going to the party?"

"Oh uh I wasn't at first but since you're uh going I guess I might as well hehe."

"Oh you going because of me?" Sakura asked puzzled by his reason. 'Why would he go because of me? It's not like I can make the party more enjoyable if she comes.' she thought.

"W-Well it's not just you of course! I mean our friends are there and the food..." He tries to explain.

"O-oh ok. Well I'll see you then."

"Yeah I-I'll see you then. Bye."

"Goodbye." She said and hung up.

"I guess it's time to get ready huh." Sakura said and headed upstairs to get ready.

'I still can't get out of mind that he wanted to go to the party because me. Well I'm part of the reason but what difference would I make for his experience? I wonder...'

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