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You will only be mine.....

"Ugh where...where am I?" Sakura said. Her vision was a bit blurry for a minute but when it cleared she was in an unknown place. It was a dark dungeon-like place with a bed and and tools... torture tools.

"Ohh your finally awake~" A familiar voice said.

"What...who are you?" Sakura yelled. As soon as she said that the mysterious male came out to reveal-

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled. She couldn't believe it. But there had to be an explanation I mean he its Naruto for Christ sake!

"Oh sorry for the dirty place but I had to make sure you wouldn't escape..." Naruto said smiling at her. His smile was a different kind of smile though...a sadistic smile.

"Naruto what's going on and why am I here!?" Sakura yelled once again while struggling to get out of the chair she was in. She tried to to get out but found out she had been trapped there by a powerful jitsu.

"Now Sakura chan your smart enough to know what's going on but since you're really out of it I'll fill you in." He said. "You see you've always ignored me and my attempts to fall for me and I promised myself not to force you to love me but I guess thats what it takes for you to be mine and mine alone."

"Naruto...please don't do this let me go and we'll work this out-" Sakura,was saying but got cut off.

"No I will only have you..no one else will!" Naruto yelled in her face. His eyes were not normal. The white part of his eyes were black and his pupils were orange. He saw the fear in her eyes and backed a way while laughing very crazily.

"Please this isn't you Naruto lets just talk ok?" Sakura said trying to get through to him. Yes she was scared but this was her friend and her life on the line. She had to keep her cool.

"Your right this isn't me...its the new me! And I love it hahahaha!" He laughed. Moments later he stopped and looked at her with his sadistic smile walked over to the tools.

"Wait Naruto don't do it you'll regret this." Sakura said with tears starting to to form in her eyes threating to fall. All Naruto did was stand there but then...

"But Sakura chan don't you get it...once you love me we'll get married, have children, and-" Naruto said but got interrupted.

"How could I fall for a guy who kidnapped me and to isolate me from the rest of the world!" Sakura yelled. "I could never love someone like you!" Sakura said with venom in every word.

"But that's why I got these." Naruto said motioning to the torture tools. "You see until you come to your senses you will feel pain hahaha..." Naruto said. He then walked up to her with the cart full of tools and put it right In front of him.

"Now Sakura chan this is gonna hurt be more than BBC its gonna hurt you...but not that much...trust me it'll be worth it promise." Naruto said looking blankly into her eyes.

"No please noooo!" Sakura screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Hahahahahaha!" Naruto said.

18 hours later~

"Sakura chan....Sakura chan are you up~" Naruto said in a singing voice. As he walked in he found Sakura looking into blank space with her eyes open. He did it. He tortured her so much and so long that all of her sanity...disappeared. Now she'll do what ever he says.

"Sakura chan you look amazing covered in your own blood ya know." Naruto said. silence was all you heard.

"I brought cookies!" He said excitedly. He headed towards her and put it in her face. She then looked down at them and to took one knowing that he wanted her to eat one.

"Sakura chan...I love you so much...do you love me back?" Naruto asked her. He wanted to make sure she was fully aware of 'feelings' for him.

"Yes I do...I love, you more than life its self." Sakura said unemotionally. He then pulled her into a sloppy kiss for a few minutes and then pulled away.

"Finally your mine...forever..." He said

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