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              ~ I guess this is goodbye~

It was the last day. The last day before Naruto and Sakura go to college. And it was the very last day for Sakura to confess to Naruto.

Naruto was walking to their usual meet up spot, the park. They had both agreed to meet there the day before they both leave for college. He would have been lying if he said he wasn't anticipating their meet up. When he got their, he waited for her St the bridge.

"The sun is setting..."

After a few minutes of waiting, he saw pink hair in the distance and caught himself smiling a little.

"So you see you got here early. That's a surprise." Sakura said. She smiled at him while he chuckled.

"Well I didn't want to keep you waiting this time. I mean today is... different..." He said.

"Yeah...different..." There was an awkward silence between the two.

"So uh Fukoka University huh." Naruto said trying to make a conversation.

"Uh yeah it's like ranked really high in all of Asia and it really interest me. It has the major that I've been looking for for a very long time. I think it's gonna be a great opportunity for me plus it has one of the best medical science classes. But I uh I never learned where were gonna go."

"Oh yeah I almost forgotten about that. I decided I'm gonna go to Takasai City University."

"Oh really? I heard it's a good school right?" She asked.

"Yeah they have a lot of opportunities over there for me to learn all about the economy and such..." He explained.

"Okay mister world changer." She said. Naruto chuckled at her. "But in all honestly, I'm really rooting for you and your dream. I see how important it is to you. That's why if I hear that you drop out, I'm going to beat your ass." She said as she made a threating pose.

Naruto put his hands up in a nervous manner. "I'm not I'm not! I promise!" It was Sakura's turn to laugh at his reaction.

"You better not hahaha..."

"You know Sakura Chan, since we're going to different colleges, we wouldn't be able to see each other more than we like to."

"I know. It's going to be really hard not to hear your loud ass voice in my ears everyday. I'm going miss it actually..."

"You'd miss me?" Naruto questioned.

"Of course I'd miss you. Your my best friend. Maybe even more..." Sakura said the last part quietly.

"Huh what was that?" He asked.

"N-nothing! Anyways, there was something that I was meaning to tell you before we left." She said.

"Oh really? I do too. What a coincidence."

"Yes we'll uh I'll go first. I was sitting on this for a long time now and I didn't know how to tell you for so long..." Sakura started.


"Yeah and um I think I've come to terms with my... issue and that uh. Well I really-no I-ugh how can I say this?" Sakura was getting nervous now.

"It's okay Sakura Chan. Take your time." Naruto said with reassuring smile.

"Right! Naruto what I really meant to say s that I realized that I h-" Suddenly, Naruto's phone started ringing.

"Uh sorry could you hold on just a second? It's Jiraiya calling me." He said with a sheepish smile.

"Uh y-yeah of course. Heheh go ahead." Naruto gave her a smile before answering the phone.

"Hello? Oh I'm with Sakura chan. At the park. Now? ...Ok I'm coming. Yes I'm leaving right now. Ok bye." He sighed in annoyance and looked at Sakura.

"Sorry I have to. He wants to talk to me about some last minute college stuff."

"Oh...um ok..." Sakura said in disappointment.

"But you had to tell me something? Something you just realized?"

"Oh! Yeah I just realized that I'm gonna have to call you more now and make plans to see each other since we're going to different colleges. You know?"

"Yeah of course! I wanna keep in contact with you and the rest while we're at college! You still have your Skype app thingy on your computer?" He asked.

"Yeah of course. I'll text you my stuff later on. I'll see you later okay?" Sakura said and left.

"Bye Sakura chan!" He said back with a smile. Once she was out of sight, his smile grew into a worried expression.

'It seemed like she wanted to tell me something else than just plans to see each other...' He thought. He pushed to the side and went back home.

Hey y'all! I know it's been a while but I don't if I can get to a hundred. What about if I stop a 70? See y'all later!

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