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"Where the heck is that book..." Naruto mumbled. He'd been in the library for fifteen minutes now trying to look it. It was a book that was recommended by his good friend Shikamaru. He didn't read much but after he explained the plot and characters to him, spoiler free, it interested him.

"Ok I'm in the same section in fantasy but where is it?" He scanned the books for a title starting with D and E and finally found the book. "Gotcha."

Just as he was about to reach for the book, another hand bumped into his. They both pulled back and looked at each other.

'Whoa...' he thought. It was a female shorter than him with emerald green eyes, pink bubblegum hair with a red headband holding back her bangs. She smiled at him which made him a bit flustered and blush.

"I'm sorry. It seems that we have the same book interest huh?" She says.

"Uh huh."

"You can get it if you want."

"Uh huh."

"Ah are you ok there? You seem a little out of it..." The woman said waving her hand in his face. Naruto snapped out of it and recomposed himself.

"S-Sorry I was...thinking about something! Yes! Ah what were you saying?" he awkwardly chuckled.

"I was saying that it looks like we have the same interests and that you can get it if you like." The young woman offered.

"Oh no you can have it! I'm not much of an avid reader so why would I need it? I don't know why I'm even here hahaha...." he awkwardly said.

'Damn now she thinks I'm a noob! Great job Naruto!'

"Well this is a library so I think you're here to get a book." she giggled. "Anyways, it seemed that this book must be good if you, a non-active reader, came all the way here for this so I'm going to let you have it."

"You don't have to really..."

"Nope! Here you go!" she said handing  him the book. "It's in your possession now. I'll just read after you." After she gave him the book, the young woman started to walk off.

'I can't let her get away like that! Think Naruto think!'

"I got it!" He whispered. "Hey wait!" He called out. The young woman turned around to see what he was going to say.

"I think I have a better idea..."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. But first, how long have you been wanting to read this book?" Naruto asked.

"Not long really. I can look for another one..." she replied.

"But about this one. Do you really want to read it?" he asked.

"Well...yes I do."


"Shhhh! This is a library you know!" A person behind them reading a book said.

"Sorry.." Naruto whispered and turned his attention back to her. "Anyways, I was thinking maybe we can read together?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Maybe we can sit at a table together and read-well not read but listen to the audio. My friend did say it has an audio version here." Naruto explained

"Oh wow that sounds...nice. I'll see. Maybe next week we can start?"

"That'll be perfect." He smiled.

"Oh by the way, my name is Sakura."

"That's a beautiful name. My name is Naruto." he complemented. Sakura blushed and thanked him.

"Thanks. I'll see you next week on... Sunday afternoon at 12?"

"Perfect! See you then!" he waved. Sakura waved back and walked away. Once she was out of sight, Naruto fist pumped in the air. "Yes yes yes!"



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