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                    Doctor's visit part 2

It's a little bit strange for Sakura to be following this idiot to a cafe to 'hang out'. This isn't what she thought about doing when the doctors told her she has around six more months to live.

But here she was.

She sat in front her new 'friend' and waited for him to get done requesting for a couple of menus before speaking.

"So what did your say your name was again? Naruto...?" Sakura asked.

"Huh?" Naruto turned his head away from the waiter and put his attention towards her. "What did you say?"

"I asked what your last name was."

"Oh uh Uzumaki Naruto. That's my name."

"Oh nice name..."

"Thanks... Oh um here's your menu." He said abd handed her the menu. "The specials are on the back by the way." Naruto informed her.

"Thanks." Sakura said not taking her eyes off of the menu.

A somewhat confortable silence fell over the two before Naruto spoke up.

"Hey uh Haruno San. I know you probably think I'm weird and stuff-"

"We'll of course. You asked to take a sick ass stranger to come to a newly built Cafe' to eat. What else am I supposed to think?"

"W-well yes but you're kind of weird also because you could've turned me down at the offer but here you are."

Sakura looked up at him with an emotionless expression upon her face while he had a nervous expression plastered upon his face. She looked at him with the same date doe a few moments before looking back down at her menu.

"Why did you ask me to come here with you Uzumaki San?" Sakura asked.

"If I'm being honest here, I don't know. It just cane up all of a sudden." Naruto replied.



Silence fell over them again and Naruto took this opportunity look through the menu to see what he wants. "So you figured out what you want?" He asked

"Not yet." She replied.

"Oh ok. Cool..." He said. 'Where is that damn waiter?!' Naruto thought. As if on que, the waiter cane back to place their orders.

"Hello my name is Nyx and I'll be your waiter in this fine afternoon. Are you two ready to order or do you need more time.

"Yes I would like a fatu cake, medium , with a side of water." Naruto said.

"Alright. And you miss?"

"Ah I'll just have coffee, black please." Sakura ordered.

"Just coffee? Alright. I'll be right out with your orders." The waiter said and walked towards the back. Naruto smiled briefly before turning his attention back on the semi stranger in front of him.

"Only coffee? Are you sure?"


"Oh ok. Its your decision to miss out. I mean they don't call this place Little Miracles for no reason."

"I'm not that hungry. I'm still trying to comprehend that I only have six months left to live you know." She said with a hint of sarcasm and annoyance and looked towards the window.

"Sorry I just don't want you to miss out..." He trailed off. "I need to try a different approach. I can't cone off as rude. You're trying to give her a little bit of happiness not annoy her to death."

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