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"Man I'm so glad this is my last day on the job." Sakura said.

"Same! I'm actually ready to go back to school. I'm that bored." Ino said.

"Let's just get this over with. I'll be back on my break. Until then, catch me up there keeping kids from drowning." she said. Just as she was about to leave, she spotted a certain someone come in.

"Oh no."


"Girl look who just walked in." Ino leaned over the counter and smiled.

"Aww it's your little boyfriend! He came to see you on your last day! Isn't that sweet?" she snickered.

"Shut up pig he is not my boyfriend."

"He sure does want to be. Bad."

"Tell me about it. For the last few weeks, he been trying to make me notice him or something."

"Hmm sounds familiar." Ino said.

"Girl I know you not talking when you tried to get Sasuke-kun's attention as well!"

"Yeah yeah but in all seriousness, I think it's kind of cute. Plus he's funny!"

"And how would you know?" Sakura questioned. Ino got quiet and looked the other way and Sakura knew exactly what that meant. "You two talked?!"

"Well he wanted some tips so I gave him some. Besides, while doing that, I checked the guy out. He's really into you! And he's nice and sweet! You should really get with that before it's too late." Ino explained.

Sakura rolled her eyes at her best friend. "Yeah yeah whatever."

"Oh and don't look now but lover boy is coming your way." she said slightly pointing behind her. Sakura sighed and pushed her hair back.

"Here we go..." she mumbled.

"Hey Ino-san. How are you doing?"

"Oh I'm good! I'm just this is my last day on juice duty. What about you? How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. I actually feel good! I feel like something is awesome is going to happen today. What about you Sakura-chan? What do you feel?"

"I feel like doing my job so I can go home. I'll save you two alone." Sakura said and began to walk to her post. Naruto looked to Ino for help and she mouthed to go follow her. He did what he was told and caught up to her.

"H-Hey wait up!"

"Naruto I don't have time for your Shenanigans today. I have a job to do."

"I know I know but I just have a uh question for you."


"Come on please? It's just one question."

Sakura sighed and faced Naruto. "What's the question Uzumaki."

"What is it going to take for you to go out on a date with me. It'll be just one date and if you don't have a good time then I promise you I'll take you straight home." he said.

"You're making this promise like I actually said yes already."

"Come on Sakura-chan please give me a chance?" he pleaded.

'I guess he couldn't bad o have at last one date with. I hope I don't regret this...' Sakura thought. she sighed once again and decided to give in.

"Fine fine I'll give you one chance-"




"Yes if! If you can swim all the way from the level four to the level sixteen deep pool. If you can do that then and only then I'll take you up on that date. Deal?"

"But I can't swim that good..."

"Then I guess no deal-"

"No I'll take the deal! Just...let me prep myself..." Naruto said and walked off. Sakura shugged her shoulders and climbed up to her post to do her job.

"Oi no running near the pool!"

"Hey be careful jumping into the pool in this area. It's not as deep as it looks!"

"Yo! No peeing in the pools! Who raised y'all...."

Sakura's day consisted of the ßame quotes to different kids. But as she was up there, she started to noticed that the Naruto guy hasn't been seen I'm the water at all.

"I wonder if he gave up..." she mumbled.

Beep-Beep Beep-Beep Beep-Beep

"Break time!" Sakura climbed down her post while somebody else got on in her absence and headed for the juice bar.


"Yo. It's break time already?"

"Yup. Hey have you seen Naruto? I haven't seen him since this afternoon."

"Oh? You're worried about him"

"No! I'm just curious to where he could be..."

"Uh huh. Well I haven't seen him till now."


"Yeah he's right there in the level four waters over there." Ino pointed out. Sakura quickly turned around and saw the blond boy swimming, making his way through the huge pool.

"Is he actually going to do it?"

"Do what?"

"I told him that I'll go on a date with him if he swims from four to sixteen feet."

"And back?"

"Nah just once."

"Didn't that boy say he couldn't swim that well?"


"Oh boy. This is about to be a disaster." Ino said.

"I don't know. I think he'll make it." Sakura said. She walked closer to the pool watching him intently.

Naruto was currently taking his time going through the five level deep pool. Then on to the six, seventh, eighth, nineth, and tenth level.

"He's doing good so far..." She said to herself. As Naruto approchedd the eleventh level, he had trouble going up for air. He would get air and go completely understand but just barely moving. And soon enough, he started flapping violently.

The lifeguard in the chair started to get up but Sakura beat them to the punch. "I got it! I'm closer!" Sakura got her emergency floaty and dived into the pool. She quickly swam to him and pulled him up from.undee the water and swam the both of them to the concrete.

Naruto started coughing loudly and looked a bit dazed. "S-Sakura-chan?"

"Yeah it's me."

"Did I make it?"

"You were close but no."

"Oh. I guess that date isn't happening huh."

"Mm I wouldn't say that. I mean you almost died trying bro score a date with me. You deserve to be given a chance."

"So what you're saying is that the date is still on?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."


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