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Internet friends part 2

"Hey you're cheating!" Naruto shouted.

"Me? Cheating? No. I'm just better than you!" Sasuke shouted. They were currently playing Street fighter 5. Naruto was currently losing playing as Ryu while Sasuke we winning playing as Chun li.

"Bro my controller was busted! That's the only reason you won!" Naruto declared tossing his game controller on the couch.

"Don't make any excuses. You just sucks ass and you'll never compare to me or Chun li. Now pay up!"

"Yeah yeah here's your fifty dollars. Now shut up!" Naruto handed him the money and laid back upon the couch looking back the screen.

"Salty aren't we?" He smirked and walked into the kitchen.

"Whatever you-"


Naruto sat up quickly and looked behind him. "......Was that your phone? He asked.

"No. Mine is on vibrate." Sasuke answered while making a jam sandwich. Naruto then looked back at his phone and frantically grabbed it, unlocking the phone and going to the notification. "It's Sakura-chan!"


"You know! The girl I've been talking to?!"

"Oh that catfish person of yours?"

"She's real! She's not a catfish!"

"Whatever." Sasuke made his way over to Naruto with his food and sat next to him. "What did she say anyway?"

"Let me read it..."

'Hey It's me! Of course you already know that but uh... we've been talking for a few months now and I think it's time we meet...up? We don't have to if you don't want to but since we're so close to each other, we might as well talk face to face instead of screen to screen you know? Uh let me know whenever you get this. Ok bye!'

"Oh wow. The catfish wants to expose themselves." Sasuke said but Naruto tuned him out. All he thought about was meeting her. For so long, he'd been wanting to meet her but he didn't know when was the right time. Until now.

"She...she wants to meet up.... Sasuke what do I say?!" He frantically asked grabbing his best friend's shirt.

"First of all, get off of me. Second of all, just say when and where. Geez..." He replied pushing Naruto off of him.

"Ok ok I'm typing!"

' Hey Sakura-chan! I think it'll be awesome to meet up! I've actually wanted to do this for awhile but I didn't know how you'd take it so I didn't ask.... But I'm so glad that you asked me first! When and where?' Send.

A minute later, she replied back stating that she wants to meet up at the mall tomorrow at twelve.

"What did she say now?" asked Sasuke.

"She said that she wants to meet up at the mall tomorrow at twelve! I can't believe we're finally going meet!" Naruto said. He jumped around in excitement while Sasuke just watched, still eating his sandwich.

"You know, there just one problem."


"You don't know what she'll look like or what she'll be wearing so how are you going bro find her?"

Naruto stopped jumping for joy and looked at Sasuke. "You're right... I'll text her what I look like!"

' Oh by the way, let me give a description of what I look like!, I have bright yellow hair, blue eyes, and I'll be wearing an orange jacket.' Send.

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