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~ The wedding part 3 :
Now and forever~

The clock hit 12 and at last, the wedding ceremony has started. The setting took place outside in the crisp season of autumn. It was a perfect day, the warm air and sun shining into the different colored leaves helped a lot, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

The bride's family say on the left, where Sakura would be standing, and the groom's family and friends would be to the right.

The bride's family say on the left, where Sakura would be standing, and the groom's family and friends would be to the right

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It wasn't a big ceremony. Sakura wanted small wedding but Naruto wanted a huge celebration. It took awhile but they both found what they wanted in a building built for weddings, celebrations and such. It was located near a huge tree which looked like it held thousands upon thousands of leaves. The onwner of of the building said that the location looks the best in fall. And it looks they they haven't lied.

The leaves fell as the slight breeze flew throughout the air. Everyone was already seated and awaiting for the bride to be. Naruto stood at the door facing the ocean, waiting for his beautiful future wife.

In that time, he imagined what she'd look like coming down that isle so beautiful and angelic. He wondered how his love looked in her dress, if it was the traditional Japanese dress, a modern white dress, or something completely new. He also wondered how here hair looked, she just cut it a month ago, and I'd she would put curls in it? Or would she put it up in a bun? Or would she just leave it alone?

Either way, she'd look magnificent.

The violinists started to play which means

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The violinists started to play which means...

' It's time...'

All the guest stood up and face the bride. Sakura and her father linked arms and began to walk down the isle. It was like everything was going in slow motion for her. Everybody was staring at her. It was...weird. You would think being one of the best doctors in the world, who is always being watched by others under her while giving countless and countless of speeches, she wouldn't get nervous but alas.

She whispered to her father, "Everybody is staring so... intently... I feel like I did something wrong."

Her father chuckled. "Of course they'll be looking at you, it's your wedding after all."

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