sfw/nsfw otp questions (Bonus)

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Who is the most affectionate?

Naruto of course! Sakura, already used to him being verbally affectionate when they were friends, wasn't taken by surprise by how physically affectionate he is. At first, she would get annoyed at the constant back hugging and cuddling , especially when she was looking through one of her many medical books, but just have up when he never let up. Now, she's just used to it to Naruto's delight.

Big spoon/Little spoon?

Though Naruto LOVES to cuddle with Sakura and ,is the most affectionate, it is actually Sakura whose the big spoon while he's the little spoon! being touch starved as a child, Sakura knows how much he loves being held. So she takes advantage and spoons him, especially after a full days work of stamping and signing off on paperwork in the Hokage tower. It's also Sakura's favorite form of showing affection so bonus?

Most common argument?

The ramen. Always the ramen. Can't do anything without going to ramen stand for date night. So many arguments stemmed from this in the beginning of the relationship.

Favorite non-sexual activity?

They love to look at nature together. As Hokage, Naruto often travels around to there villages on business but every now and then, he will spot some beautiful scenery so that next time, he can bring Sakura to come and take a look. Before the war, hell even as kids, they never really had time to just stop and smell the roses. It was always something going on. So, to them, it's very comforting and relaxing to just sit in each other's presence and enjoy the now, together.

Who is most likely to carry the other?

Both! But Sakura takes a smidge lead over Naruto, specifically when he gets drunk. This man blushes when she picks him up piggyback style when he's hurt or something but as a drunk? Oh Lord, get ready for the water works. "Sakura-chan, loves me so much! My hero!" So many sloppy kisses. All the while, Sakura is trying to hold back her punches. Pray for her. On the other hand, Naruto loves to give piggy back rides to her when they travel alone together. It's his way of being more intimate.

What is their favorite feature of their partner's?

Naruto wasn't lying when he said "your forehead is cute, makes me want to kiss it" It's his go to kiss area. Whenever shes feeling a little insecure about it, he makes sure to praise her and to tell her her big forehead is what makes her her. That it's so beautiful to him. She loves when he does that.

Sakura loves his smile. That smile of his could brighten her darkest days. And in certainly situations, it has. He has a way of encouraging and reassuring her. Sakura makes sure he's happy in hopes he never loses that smile of his because if he did, she wouldn't know what to do.

What's the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?

Naruto always knew he had true feelings for Sakura. On the other hand, Sakura, upon finding out she had feelings for him, would be a little more awkward with him. Often turning away and blushing just at the thought of them dating. And considering how touchy Naruto is at times, she'd jump at the sudden hands on shoulders or blush at them just brushing their hands. Naruto, Lord help him, would think she's sick or something and touch her forehead, which would make it worse for our girl Sakura. As time went on and she got used to these feelings though, she'd be more than willing to do some flirting on her side which would through Naruto in a loop!

Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?

No Nicknames!

Who worries the most?

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