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              Hypothetically Speaking

"Oi Naruto."





"Huh?! What baka?!" Naruto said finally snapping out if it.

"You were staring. Again." Sasuke says.

"I was not."

"Yes you were. It was as if you were in a trance." Sai chimed in.

"Shut up Sai!" He said.

"You like her don't you." Sai says.


"Isn't it obvious? He's always staring, every time she comes around he lights up like a light bulb but claims they're 'just friends'." Sasuke says interrupting Naruto.


"I see. Yes it is true. You are in love with her." Sai says interrupting him again.

"I don't like her like that! We're just friends! That hasn't changed."

"But your feelings have." said Sasuke.

"I...ok so what if I do hypothetically like her. It's not like she'll like me back. Come on just look at her." Naruto says. They all look at her from across the hall. She was currently laughing with her close friends at her locker.

'So beautiful...' he thought.

"Well since you like her ,hypothetically speaking, you should at least try to ask her out." Sasuke said.

"I've observed enough of the two of you's behavior and I've concluded that you have at least a 29.7 percent of getting rejected." said Sai. Both Naruto and Sai looked at him as if he'd grown two heads. "What?"

"Anyways...hypothetically speaking, what would I say?" Naruto turned back and asked them.

"Speak your mind?" Sai concluded which Sasuke agreed upon as well.

"Well I'll hypothetically ask her tomorrow then." Naruto concluded.

"I don't think you'll have to wait anymore." Sasuke says.


"Because she's coming this way." said Sai.

Naruto's eyes almost bucked out of it's socket. He straightened his clothes out and turned around just in time.

"Hey Sai. Sasuke-kun." she greeted. They waved in response.

"Hey Naruto."

"H-Hey Sakura-chan." he greeted back.

"I was actually going to ask you something but since you're here, I'll ask now." He explained.

"Oh really? I was going to do the same but go on. You first." She reassured.

"Oh uh ok. So hypothetically speaking , I like you and I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me......what would you say? Hypothetically!"

"O-Oh well I would say pick me up Saturday afternoon at twelve so we can go to the carnival together. Hypothetically speaking of course." Answered Sakura. She winked at him and walked back to her group of friends and left.

"What just happened?"

"I think you just got yourself a date." Sasuke answered.

"See. Told you. My math is never wrong." chimed Sai.

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